Introduction - How to: Work and Travel

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Your comments on my blogposts are always so genuinely positive, (which I really appreciate), but on my recent few travel posts, I noticed that there was a difference in the tone of some comments. (Nothing negative, no jealousy btw, which I admire. Generosity is part of what makes the Steemit community so special). What I mean has more to do with your life and how changing one word in a simple sentence that you might have commented on my post without really thinking about it or even simply think to yourself... can make for a difference. 

What You Believe You Can Achieve

Even though a statements like "I can't wait to do that" or "I will travel to those places soon" sound similar to "Hopefully I can visit those cool places" or "I wish I could travel that much", there is a big difference that we should be aware of. Not only do the first two sound positive and the last two negative, but they tell a lot about your persona, how you perceive and what your range of possibilities is. 

"I can't wait to" and "I will" suggest that it is going to happen, meanwhile "Hopefully" and "I wish" hint at that it is not going to happen, unless something outside of your influence, a miracle changes the situation. The second person doesn't feel responsible and relies on coincidence, meanwhile the first person is willing to work for it, determined to take the right action and actively make the change happen. 

The Right Way

This 3-parts blogpost series is about understanding that if you want to work for yourself, and subsequently have your work be location-independent, you can and I will give you a few examples. Before we go on I just want to mention the obvious.. that if you do not want to change your life, or your might not like traveling, or have you're happy with going on vacation a few times a year instead of having a work-ation all year around, that is just as fine. I personally I love to travel the world, but also have a home to come back to, that's just my preference, but that doesn't mean that's the only or right way.

There is no "better", since we all have different dreams and ambitions and you cannot compare your life to anybody else's life, simply because there is no right or wrong. The only way you can do something wrong is by chasing the life of someone else and comparing yourself. Know who you are, know what you want and do nothing else. 

The following is meant for those who complain, wish to see a change in their lives happen, but don't know how...

Digital Money 

The best part about the era we live in is that we are among a generation of people who can choose what they want to do, who they want to be and be location-independent while earning an income. 

We tend to forget about our abilities "reason" and "choice". Right now we have the biggest advantage of all time.

In today's world, there are more answers than ever before to any question!

The big difficulty used to be in the question "how". Before the invention of the internet, it took many years for people to learn something because the information was spread across the globe in different books. Like a puzzle, you had to piece information together and it was hard to find answers.

The internet has changed everything. We now have the opportunity to do research on anything.. not only on what we want to know, but also on what we want to LEARN! If we take this a step further, we can realize that it only comes down to the "what".  Finding out what you want to know, what you're passionate about, what you want to do is the core part of the equation. There are plenty of answers to the "how". Some of them you even have somewhere in the back of your mind, others come from other people who've written, said, or recorded their opinion and you are granted access to all information. The only difficulty for you is to evaluate and filter the truths from the many answers you get when searching for an answer.

I could go on forever about this, but I want to keep this introduction short. In the following posts I will share with you.

Coming up: 10 ways how to work and travel...

Where do you want to travel?

Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit 


Very good post, often the limitations put them ourselves by not going in the direction of our dreams and fight to get them, but it is also true that many people cannot afford to leave everything to fight for his dream for his family or economic situation... Although most of the time is for convenience or fear to get out of the comfort zone.

a greeting!

Thank you! I agree with you about leaving everything behind. The great thing about the internet is you don't have to, it just gives you the option, you can work from home as well.

It is true, Internet has brought many possibilities of work from home and make money, we are in the era of the 2.0 work

I love what you wrote about the words we use, that is so true. Looking forward to this series, I'm a big fan of combining work and travel in order to travel more often. Thx!

Digital money is a way for many people to achieve goals they never would be able to achieve if they would have just normal 9-7 job. That's amazing opportunity! I love that Steemit is a way to fulfill people's dreams!

Wow we are here again,

Great introductory post I definitely look forward to the series coming up.

It's important for everyone to understand the importance of self belief and optimism it's lacked a lot in this day and age.

So much can be understood just by listening or looking at the way someone would 'say' something. Human psychology is so so important.

Keeping tabs on your posts, great work .. @mrs.steemit

I completely agree! Thanks for adding that

Today you have share something important to your audience. Something of value, something to put your mind on, something to think about. I believe when we think about the positivity in our life, we're walking on the path of Optimism which is a path to greatness.
Always guide audience like this and you'll never be alone in here . @mrs.steemit

Where in the world is mrs.steemit? ;)

I would love to just travel haha let the work at home :p

Myself is not a big traveler but I love working for yourself part .I think if you are able to create something for this society/humanity-->be it a company,social organization or anything that can serve the society for generations to come, this could be even a small thing for you family.depends on how you define it !!!its a great achievement and full fill your worldly mission

Awesome you mentioned that! It's not about traveling really and more about freedom :)

Have a good one and don´t forget to be thankful for what you have in life ! Life is much more worth than all the gold in the world.

Schau' bitte mal hier

Lieber @googlefrueh,
du bist auch herzlich eingeladen auf diese Seite
Es gab dort schon ein paar kleine Hilfen.
Wenn du magst, wär's natürlich für die Sache von Vorteil, wenn du diese Seite auch resteemen würdest.
Und, würdest du bitte @lunatic.hero auch irgendwie Bescheid sagen, dass es diese Seite gibt. Sie hat noch nirgends kommentiert; daher kann ich ihr die Einladung nicht selbst zukommen lassen.
Die Anderen des "Mannheim-Hanau-Clans" informiere ich jetzt auch noch.
Liebe Grüße, @double-u

I want to travel to Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia.
Oh wait..
I will travel to Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia, starting saturday :)
damn, it works!

Hahah, You want and you do it.
You reminded me the Nike advs: JUST DO IT!

Awesome! 😄👍🏼

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