RE: How Millennials View Real Estate
Brilliant analysis! I find myself in almost full agreement, though I think the aversion to ownership is a symptom of the toxic, lawless nature of government and regulation. I would like to strike a balance. To have a home where I can live securely, know my basic needs are met, and retreat to when I just want to relax or be alone, a place where I have no liabilities to anyone else and can do or be what I choose without outside interference. But this doesn't really exist in the US surveillance/police state. In some other countries, the sanctity of one's home is more respected right now, but I don't necessarily trust this condition to hold going into the future.
On the other hand, I also love to travel and experience and learn, to sample the infinite variety the world has to offer. I love to go and meet other, especially those with whom, as you pointed out, I don't have to walk on eggshells.
I want both, at different times. But I love way you describe the nomad millennial mindset in this article. Thank you for taking the time to crystallize it into text. :-)