I can't believe this SH*T!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

We are moving to Costa Rica soon and have been having all kinds of issues with getting our dogs ready for the move. Believe it or not it is going to cost more than 10 times the amount of money to get our dogs down there than it cost us to get there!?!? It is ridiculous!

It really wouldn't be all that hard if we didn't have a bully breeds (2 Pit Bulls), but since we do things are getting crazy. Not only the normal Vet stuff, but now we have to buy Specialized Kennels that cost over $700 EACH! And since the specialized kennels are so heavy it now will cost us more to fly them there then it does to fly us there!?! All because one person had an bad dog which bit an airline employee a few years back. Now everyone else has to pay the price. Yep, that sounds about right for america, one asshole ruins it for everyone else!

We thought it would be nice to have a month to ourselves before the dogs joined us, my parents agreed to keep them for that month while we get settled in to our new home in Costa Rica. Well now it is looking like I need to fly back to get them to ride as cargo because otherwise they will be quarantined for 24 hours when they get there, in their kennels (which look like jail cells). Not to mention they have never been kennel dogs and we don't want to scare the living shit out of them and make them think that we abandoned them, because let's be honest, they will already be scared out of their minds from all this travel and I can't make them stay in quarantine for any additional time. I mean, look at these two! Could you do that to them??

As much as we joke about getting rid of them, we love them way to much, they are like the children we never had (or wanted lol). Nevertheless, they are part of the family and if they don't go, we don't go and that is all there is to it.

So after all is said and done we are paying well over $3000 to get 2 dogs down to Costa Rica. FML! But you gotta do what you gotta do for family.

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



Beautiful looking dogs! We had similar problems with our last dog, which was a Rottweiler. People just stereotype the breed, before learning anything about the dog!

Thank you :) that sucks u had similar issues, hope u got everything figured out.. its sad how these breeds are discriminated against because some assholes choose to train them to be mean.

I love rotties, my friend has two and they are just sweethearts.. they always got along with my dogs great too..

I always try to live by the philosophy that everything happens for a reason, but it is hard to fathom a reason in this situation. I love my dog like my child also and I can only imagine how frustrating this can be. I spent 3 months in Costa Rica back in 1993, but I'm sure it has changed much since then.

Yeah, i try to live that way too.. and the only conclusion i can come up with is the universe is testing us to see what i do in hard decisions.. we refuse to give up on oir dreams and we refuse to give up our dogs! So i feel pushing thru ALL of these issues is the most important part of all!

Very well said! If this is a test then I feel you definitely passed with flying colors. I tell my wife during hard times that I know everything happens for a reason, but it would be easier to know the "why" so I can learn the lesson and move on! lol

Lol, right!! Or maybe an easier lesson! Haha

Its funny though, sometimes once u learn the lesson and look back on how everything unfolded, it seems like it shouldve been so obvious.

You would think that the airlines would have kennels like that for lease to their customers. Better yet, you can start a leasing operation when you are done with them em. Then they will have been earning money for you and you will still own them when you next have to travel.

You would think they would but they don't!! It's insane and that is a great idea for renting them out...if it's a round trip flight. Otherwise, the crates might end up in China...

deposit money, will keep them from ending up in China. If The airlines are renting them out, they can fly them anywhere, anytime when empty and space allows at virtually no expense. $100 to rent would be better than $700 to buy.

Yes, that's quite true! Airlines do need to rent them. I don't know why they haven't before. I was thinking you were saying an individual rent them and that would be difficult. I know there are lots of plastic crates for sale around (craigslist and all), but when we were looking, I didn't see the metal ones.

We were discussing both, airlines or hippie, it would be more difficult as an individual but given enough time to research it I'm sure a way could be figured out.

Wow, that is a brilliant idea for the airlines!! But i cant figure out how i could lease mine out unless someone was planning a round trip from costa rica.. other than that i would need to invest a shit ton of money in kennels and have them spread out across the country or wolrd and im not trying to buy any more of these damn kennels lol.. still tho, your on it doggonit! Great ideas!

I am sure we could figure out a way if we put our minds to it. But you might suggest it to your airline you are using and then offer to lease them your two so they can run a pilot test program.

Yeah, you are right we could figure something out if we thought about it a bit more. There is only one airline that takes bully breeds so that makes it a bit easier. I will definitely ask while we are at the airport. :)

I know how you feel about dogs being part of your family. Pit Bulls have such a bad label for being an aggressive bread. And, I always sad it is not about the bread of a dog, but the bread of the owners.

One bad owner can label dogs to be "aggressive bread" just because some idiot enjoys dogs fighting.

I am sorry to hear about your extra cost and the unreasonable prices of the airline companies, but in the end, it is just money and your dogs are your family. The money you will replace soon. I think you made the right call. :)

"The more you give, the more you will receive."

I have been way too long from your posts that I even missed you moving to Costa Rica. Need to catch up fast. Good luck with your new life and I hope your flight and your dog's flight in the future turns out great.

Have an amazing new start at life in Costa Rica, my friend. :)

Your absolutely right, its just money! My dad said "wouldn't it just be easier to give them up?" I said dad,

the right thing to do is seldom the easy thing to do..

Ive only do 2 or 3 post about moving to costa rica so dont feel bad about not seeing them.. im gonna do another post about it this week since we are only 9 days away now! 😉

Sorry to say this. But I kind of expected trouble bringing them overseas. These two are great. Thanks for treating them in a human way.

Well u couldve warned me!! Lol. Jk..

Truth is we love them more than we ever thought we could love animals.. we couldn't imagine our lives without them..

To be honest loki has been thru some shit in his life.. he was beaten and abused and lived in a kennel for 3 years and he was also chew toy for fight dogs.. i have been to war twice and done things i have a hard time dealing with so we have a bond that i cant even start to explain.. we are both a bit broken and need eachother..
My fiance and rosko have a special bond too, so whether we like it or not they are our "children" and we could never give them up.. even if that means it impedes on our dreams a little bit, we will figure everything out in the end..

You are absolutely right. And now I know the whole story. These are more than just cute pups. It wouldn't have mattered if I did warn you because you had your mind made up.


I see now that these are not just "cute pups" but they are a lot like us, abused for years and just found a home. Ironic you are leaving your home behind to find a new home with these dogs. Best regards to you fiance.



mining the heart

Pretty sure they're going to be quarantined anyway once they get to Costa Rica. My buddy brought his dog Kali and they quarantined it over the whole weekend, he got there on a Friday. Maybe not, but, be prepared for it to happen, Costa Rica all depends on who's working that day at customs & immigration, some nice new guy, or the guy whose 2nd cousins whole family was recently denied their visa to visit their dying aunt in the US

Oh wow, thanks for the heads up on that.. Now if it happens i wont be caught completely off gaurd. Hopefully we have a nice customs agent whose having a great day 😉

Very interesting information. So many upside down regulations due to a few bad apples. Kudos to all of the pet owners who love their pets so much to pay the extra costs. Your dogs are beautiful.

That is so crazy that they are making you jump through such expensive hoops. Good luck to you and your pups.

Yeah, its pretty lame for sure. 😧


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Thank u so much!! I really appreciate it! 😉

This is so true. It is such a pain to import dogs into another country. We brought our very tall Akita with us. She had to have a large crate that was altered with 3" of wood all the way around in order to accommodate her ears which are tall. They didn't even check it at the airport to make sure there was room. Then she had a connection and we had to pay $75 to have them walk and water her. Well, they didn't do it because she growled at them (she's a total guard dog and no way anyone was getting her out of the crate but us). Then she made it to Panama before us (she had to fly United and we flew Spirit) but didn't have the email we sent telling them she was arriving so thankfully they called us and we were in Florida on our way! The 7 days before were worse since you have to do all the paperwork. Did you find a USDA vet? I called a few and they were asking to charge $300 for their name and filling out two lines on the form. Thankfully we had a vet in our neighborhood who qualified who did it for free!! That is crazy that they have to have special crates. Which airline? We almost had to do cargo but then United finally worked with us. Our dog's ticket was over $500 (it would have been way more with a pet transport company) and our entire family flew here for $700 total (for 7 people). I wanted to bring our cat too, but it wasn't worth it. And then our dog was stuck in immigration overnight as well. She was happy to see us when it was all over!

Yeah, we found a usda vet but its not in our state, so we have to send the paperwork overnight ups within 10 days of flight just for their signiture.. its stupid.. the hoops we are jumping thru are ridiculous! They also are flying united because it is the only airline that accepts bully breeds, but have to have metal cages so the dont chew thru them? I didnt know they charge a fee to walk them, no one has said anything about that to us.. we are gonna fly down a few weeks in advance so since we arent with them customs is a bit different i guess.. we have to hire a customs agent in costa rica now to help with the process cuz of that.. all these rules are just stupid.. and the costs are even more ridiculous... but we have no choice so we are doing what we gotta do.. good to know some of these things tho, so thanks for the heads up.. i might hit u up if i have any questions 😉

Sad thing is you'll have to do this at any country you fly to. It's insane. That's crazy they say they will chew through the plastic. Wow. Yes, we didn't know the $75 long lay over/walking fee until we showed up at the airport. They asked about it in booking and I said no, but the airport said it was required. If there is no long layover, you should be good. Crazy that you have to have a customs person on the CR side. We didn't have to do that - my husband just went the next morning and picked her up since we got in at 2am and they had already closed the kennel area. There was a month's worth of quarantine we had to pay for - one time fee to take her home (or you could pay a daily fee and leave them at the airport). It is all kind of crazy and not a lot of fun.

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