Traveling with minimum budget? Workaway!
You never heard about it?
Trust me that you’re not alone.
One year ago my friend told me, that he visited 12 countries in Asia and Indonesia during 6 months ALMOST for free.
I didn’t believe him, how is that possible. Because my “old” view on traveling was that I need to buy flight ticket, hotel and food (which is usually the most expensive part), some activities and so on.
And now? I left my job as a professional basketball player and thanks workaway program I’m already 2 months on the road through the Indonesia, visited 3 different islands, helped many people who needed help and I’m still continuing!
So finally... what is
It would be waste of time to explain you, how it works if you’re not interested and if you are?
You probably already checked the website where you can find detailed explanation.
Anyway I’ll give you my short opinion.
If you like luxury hotels and drinking Cuba libre on the beach with every day routine.. you can stop reading.. this article is not for you.
But if you like adventure, new LIFE experience and making someone happy.. stay alert!
Via Workaway program you can choose destination where you want to be.
Type of work what you want to help with.
Date during you can stay available.
And heavy go! Now you can just choose from hundreds offers your next future.
Still don’t get it? Alright so how about this.
Usually you need to buy flight ticket to your chosen destination. Depends what you chose but for example- help with English in West Java at the high school.
Sounds good to you? Ok let’s continue.
What they offer to you?
Most of the time they will offer you nice place to stay with friendly people around.
Free 3 meals during a day (breakfast,lunch, dinner) including free water, tea or coffee.
Show you their traditions, nice places and if you’re interested, they can teach you their own language.
Unforgettable memories.
What you need to do?
That’s simple. (In our case) you need to help with English in local high school usually 2-3 hours during a week (you can’t work more than 5 hours, if you don’t want- workaway rule).
Be friendly, have passion and positive mindset and just enjoying to be a part of some new community!
Is anything better than just traveling, exploring our wonderful world and on the same time doing something good for other people? Share your skills and knowledge with them? I think that no.
I found myself in this way of traveling and I can highly recommended to everyone.
I don’t know better feeling than just when you leaving some place and you can take a look behind you and just say: “yes, I left there piece of myself, I did something good”.
I truly believe that for someone will be this article inspirational or useful because traveling&helping can really open your eyes- change your life.
Backpacker, Karel Trunecek