You can not go for a walk here without a shotgun
Svalbard, sure you have heard of this city, located in the northernmost part of the planet. Here it is forbidden to walk outside the city without a firearm motivated by the large number of polar bears that roam the island, they are very aggressive and therefore the precaution is for the safety of the person.
On this island that belongs to the kingdom of Norway it is also illegal to live there unemployed, or without a livelihood, to be there immediately the authorities will be able to expel you from the island.
To emigrate to the island is not complicated, however to get a job if it is, especially if you do not speak Norwegian, which is obviously the official language. If you want information about how to go there and get residency follow this link: Entry and Stay on Svalbard
With more than 50 nationalities present on the island, it shows the interest of people to get there to make life, despite the temperatures and limitations. Personally, it would be an adventure to visit these lands and admire a good landscape in the closest area inhabited by the north pole.
And if you dare to leave the city or town, do not forget to bring a good shotgun in case some bear wants to have you food. Greetings.
Also here there is the Seed Bank of "the end of the world" with thousands seeds of all kind of plants from around the world.