We're Back in Nashville, and I Already Miss My Friends

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

We got home to Nashville last night, and I already want to be back in Puerto Rico with the sun, the ocean, and my friends @sean-king and @steemed-open. I miss them already.

The amazing thing about building relationships primarily "online" is that (if done right) you share your deepest feelings and thoughts because you spend the time to really think them through. You can be completely vulnerable because the computer screen and distance subconsciously protects you in ways which are harder in-person. Having spent almost two years now having many deep, meaningful conversations with Sean and Cindy here on Steemit (and before that on Facebook and email), I've come to love and respect them so much.

I wanted to a write this post thanking them for their generous friendship. Almost 4 years ago, Sean and I were working together on a non-profit and got to know each other through that process. We all met in person for the first time (Sean, myself, Cindy, and my wife @corinnestokes) at an event we organized in Nashville. Sean was one of the first people to get me into Steemit. I remember when he first told me about Act 20/22 and his plans to move to Puerto Rico (which he did this year).

Hey man, I'm moving to Puerto Rico on Jan 1. For real! You should join me.

When I read what Sean typed, I knew he was right.

We were all set to visit in November of last year, but hurricane Maria changed all that. Instead we came in March for two weeks and loved it! While we were there, Sean and Cindy treated us to two amazing dinners while their daughter @claraking watched our kids (which she did multiple times—the kids loved hanging out with her!).

The first night we enjoyed a bottle of wine together as we visited the property they are building out.

Credit: @sean-king

The sunset view from their place is absolutely amazing:

click to view

After that we walked to a local "speak-easy" style place and enjoyed some of the best food I've ever had (along with another couple bottles of wine).

The second night we had another amazing meal which was absolutely fantastic. It was at a farm-to-table restaurant that was packed (our first choice was fully reserved and our second choice only had room at the bar, which we gladly accepted).

Their generosity continued to warm my heart as they also let us borrow their brand new, immaculate Range Rover to visit Arecibo.

In addition, they coordinated with their friend James to get us day passes at a resort area called Dorado which we enjoyed completely.

We got to use golf carts for the day (which the kids loved).

And there was a sweet water park area with two slides and a lazy river.

In order to get us all there, I rented the only car available to fit our family and Sean's family which turned out to be a 15 passenger van! There was quite a bit of drama picking it up (it took multiple hours for reasons I won't even bother going into) and on top of that, after Corinne dropped me off at the rental car place and returned the Kings' Range Rover, it got dented while she parked it. :( Corinne was devastated. Sean and Cindy took it in stride and said not to worry about it.

They are the type of friends I'm so deeply grateful to have in my life. My attempts to get a repair company on the phone Monday morning failed, possibly due to Easter week. I hope to get it all taken care of so they don't have to worry about it. Funny how little things like that can seem like such a big deal at the time, but ultimately just bring you closer as you work it out.

Our last day in Puerto Rico was spent touring some amazing properties with a real estate agent Sean and Cindy connected us with, Ricardo Rodriguez. He was fantastic and showed us some amazing properties. I loved the view from the elevated deck on this one, and the facilities the neighborhood had, including a pool and recreational center.

If we do decide to move to Puerto Rico (and I'm seriously considering it), I don't know if we'll be able to afford a house as nice as that, but wow, was it amazing to consider. Once again, Sean and Cindy's daughter Clara watched our kids most of the day so we could fully enjoy our time with the realtor without them melting down. We're so grateful to her!

We ended the day back at the King's place they are renting while they renovate their dream home. We enjoyed their view, some beer, wine, cheese, and a beautiful sunset. We got one last meal together before we left the next morning to return home.

Sean, Cindy, Clara and Nico (their beautiful dog): Thank you for your love, generosity, and friendship. We are truly grateful to have you in our lives and hope to be back soon to the island paradise you now call home.

For more on our family trip to Puerto Rico see:

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


Wow, beautiful pictures. Sadest thing about vacation is the end. I lived in Tennessee years ago. People are sooo friendly, that’s what I miss most living in NY. One of my best years living there. I remember people waving at each other not bowing each other. You mentioned building relationships via online such as Steemit. I think everyone agrees. To me steemit is a place where you can just blog about what you have going on in life and complete strangers wish you well and root you on. You can talk about things that are important to you and others from around the world can comment and share experiences. Steemit is a destination for journeyers, for friends, for everyone. Food looks delicious.
Amazing post with amazing pictures!

Thank you. :)

The same delay happened to me with the Hurrican delaying my move around Dec 2017.
Puerto Rico here we come the next year for me around Dec 2018 when it is freezing here on the mainland USA, I want to escape to the paradise.
How do feel about the cost of living in Puerto Rico compare to Nashville, TN where I lived briefly.

Corinne has been looking into the numbers and she was happy to find some things are available at Costco at similar prices to what we enjoy here. I think some things will certainly be more expensive, but I also think it'll be worth it. :)

Of course, we will save on Federal Income tax if live in Puerto Rico and business tax break.

Having lived in Hawaii islands for 25 years, I would love the tropical weather and I am learning Spanish language where I have been working for a Spanish company so I could learn the language easier.

Though my experience is quite limited, I would say that eating out was perhaps on par with Nashville prices. Groceries seemed expensive to me, but we did visit Costco and the prices at Costco were essentially the same as Nashville. Cars are apparently more expensive in Puerto Rico, and gas is more expensive as well. I just found this link that may be helpful for price comparison.

Thank you for more info on the cost of living. I figured the gas and cars would be more expensive since had to be brought in to the island similar to Hawaii. 5% cheaper to live in San Juan than Nashville is a good news.

You had a wonderful time. Great blog with good content. You will have a lot of followers, because everything you publish is real!

Wonderful sleepy
I appreciate your travel

And you even had time for the conference and chatting with me! Cool to see you’re home well again, if you’re ever consider leaving the US, maybe visit Switzerland first 😉

And recover from laryngitis! :)

I'd love to visit Switzerland some day, but we'll have to do it when it's warm. Corinne doesn't like the cold.

Switzerland is warm even hot in the summer, but then you can go up in the mountains to cool down (slightly). If you come this summer and I'm still out of work I can even take the time to show you some places. I've fallen in love with this country the first moment I set foot in it, or maybe because it was also one of the first moments I saw my wife 😉

Anyway, if you're ever coming this way just hook me up and I'll make some time for you and the family.

Nice picture! 👍
You got an upvote, so it would be kind to follow this account for more upvotes in the future 👊🏼

Since leaving PR, I have been thinking of selling my properties there; but after reading your post, I cannot really make sense of why I should do that given I do not have the need at this moment. Im glad you enjoyed the island and hope the best for your futures ventures there!

The views are amazing man, looks like you had a really good one. I've also never seen any of them meals you're having to be honest

Hello. The photographs are all great .
Of course it 's all very well for you.

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