Beach Observation: Afternoon Run At Hawk's Nest Pt.5
I looked again to make sure, yep there were only two red eyes staring at us instead of three.
This made me nervous as I didn't know where the other dingo went, "Maybe it went away?" I said, but just as I finish this sentence, I noticed that there were movement at our right.
We point the light to it and saw the missing dingo, "Is it trying to flank us?", "Don’t worry just keep going" I replied, but I wasn't sure, all I knew we had to t keep moving.
We are now in a tough position, we were stuck on a pitch black beach with a keychain flashlight that barely admitted any light, trying to find our way back in the freezing rain and ocean winds carrying out two injuries friends who were limping.
Now with dingos are trying to flank us, we have to direct our light source at 3 different directions, we were barely moving as it is, as we could only move when the light was in front.
No one knew how much further till the car, till suddenly something lit up in the distance.
To be continued…
If you have missed the other parts you can find them here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five (This post)
Part Six
Part Seven