Dine with me in Shenzhen : Da Long Yi Hot Pot & HeyTea🌞 吃在深圳—大龍燚&喜茶 🍲 😋

in #travel7 years ago

Hello Steemit friends ,


Hope you are doing good today! 🌞 Today I would like to share a restaurant and a tea shop in Shenzhen with you. Shenzhen is a major city in Guangdong Province, China and it is connected north of Hong Kong. There are multiple ways of getting from Hong Kong to ShenZhen which include bus, train and ferry. Normally, my family will drive to ShenZhen from China, which takes around 1 hour only. It's a perfect weekend getaway or a short trip to relax during short weekend with many high quality restaurants and massage place. Without further ado, let's begin explore these two places~😋

Steemit的朋友大家好。昨天香港十號風球,剛好整理一下前陣子跟家人北上去深圳遊記的照片。我跟家人常常都會週末去深圳發掘一些新的餐廳,今天想跟大家分享一家四川火鍋店: 大龍燚和一家茶店: 喜茶。😋


HEYTEA is originated in Guangdong Jiangmen in 2012, mainly selling cheese cap tea (Chinese: 奶蓋茶naigaicha) and seasonal fruit tea. It's gone from a small street-side shop to a chain tea shop with more than 50 stores all over Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhongshan and other places all over China in just a few years. What's more, it had convinced thousands of residents to line up for at least three hours queuing up for their cheese-topped tea and fruit tea when the first Shanghai branch opened in the mid-February in 2017. Let's have a look what special about this tea shop.


When we arrived, there are no crazy lines to get a taste of the tea. I guess it's probably because there are many branches in ShenZhen. The branch that I went is located in Futian's Coco Park.

深圳有不少喜茶的分店,我們去了福田區Coco Park分店。

Lining up for around 10 minutes, it's our turn to order. We ordered four different types of cheese cap teas.


While waiting, I take a photo of this tea shop. Many people are waiting for their tea, and the shop are packed with people.


After 15 minutes wait, we finally get our hands on a cool cup of HeyTea. One the left we have a seasonal fresh melon green tea with a whipped cheese-flavour cream on top (Chinese:芝芝蜜瓜)and on the right we have the most popular flavour, Jinfeng Tea King (Chinese:金鳳茶王), a red tea with a full cheese cap.


One the left, we have Mocha latte with a whipped cheese-flavour cream on top (Chinese:靜冈抹茶), and a green tea with a whipped cheese-flavour cream on top (Chinese:四季春) on the right.




It is recommended that open the top flag to taste the salty cheese and tea at the same time. One of the reason why HeyTea is so popular is they use high-quality tea leaves as ingredients and the tea is undoubtedly one of the best I ever had and the lightly salted cheese is a perfect complement to the tea. My favourite is Jinfeng Chawang (Chinese:金鳳茶王) and I will visit it again in the coming future 😋


2. 大龍燚 Da Long Yi Hot Pot 🍴🍴


DaLong Yi is one of the most popular chain hotpot restaurant among the locals. It originated from Chengdu and famous for its spicy Sichuan style broths and a large variety quality ingredients. The owner has opened more than 20 chain restaurants in Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Lijiang, Xi'an, Harbin, Mianyang and other cities all over China. Sichuan food is renowned for being spicy and hot flavour and the traditional hotpot has no exception. I would only recommend this restaurant for those who love spicy food. Even they have two spicy level for customer to choose from, slightly hot broth is still extremely hot.

大龍燚源於成都,當深圳其中一間最受歡迎的傳統連鎖火鍋店,全國開設了20多間的連鎖店鋪,遍佈了全國各地: 包括成都,上海,麗江,西安等。火鍋湯底越煮越濃,辣味也會跟著提升,蘸上秘製小料,真的很過癮,這間火鍋店我很推薦喜歡辣的朋友,不喜歡辣最好不要嘗試啦,因為他們的微辣湯底也是可以讓你噴火的喔 lol。


We arrive at the restaurant around 8:00 and the worker told us it takes around an hour wait. We decided to walk around instead of sitting at the front door. You can check the wait time and numbers of table in front of you by scanning the QR code on the queueing ticket with Wechat, a popular app among Chinese. What's more, you can just get a ticket with the app above, Meiwei buyong deng (Chinese: 美味不用等).

我們大概8:00左右到達了餐廳,很多户客坐在餐廳外等待入座,接待我們的員工說我們還需要等大概一個小時,排隊取號後我們決定在附近逛逛再回來。原來現在可以加他們店鋪的微信,掃描取號票上的QR Code來看前面還有多少桌和大約的等候時間。另外,我還發現可以用上面這個應用美味不用等來取號,可以在網上提前排隊取號,那就不用本人親身等待入座,真的超級方便的。


The interior design is in traditional Chinese Style.





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Long Spout Teapot Tea-Making Performance


A traditional tea made with chrysanthemum flowers, goji berries and dried red dates.


Let's see what we order today~😋😋😋 我們來看看今天點了什麼食材吧 ~😋😋😋

In order to see their menu and place an order, you have to scan the QR code on the table with these three apps. If you don't have any of these app, you can download them with their free wifi.

店內並沒有紙質的菜單,只可以用微信,美團或大眾點評掃描桌上這個QR Code下單。

We ordered a spicy soup base with many Sichuan peppers, chillies and red chilli oil. We should have ordered the half spicy and half clear broth so we can put the veggies into the clear broth.



You can create your own dipping sauce, which is what you dip your cooked ingredients into before eating.


After selecting the broth, we order the things we want to cook in it. There are many options include a wide range of meat, vegetables, tofu and noodles etc.


From left to right, Bamboo Shoots, Enoki Mushroom, Mushroom.




Tender Beef Slices.


Duck gizzard.


From left to right, top row: sliced lamb meat and fish maw. Bottom row : duck intestine, beef tripe.


And we have chewy tofu here. It tastes like a combination of tofu and mochi. I love this tofu a lot.



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Address 地址: 民田路东福华三路北星河苏活购物公园111
Business hours 營業時間: 10:00am-22:30pm

大龍燚 Da Long Yi Hot Pot

Address 地址: 猎德大道31号(中海璟晖华庭二楼206-207号)
Business hours 營業時間: 11:00am-03:00am

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It really looks amazing, I feel like having a second dinner now! Thanks for sharing and namaste :)

I know :) The chrysamthemum tea was unbelievably lovely.

I mean just LOOK at that^

That's not food; it's art.

I've written a post on the late, great Chuck Berry's music. It's pretty musical. :)

Chrysanthemum is one of my very favourite! Magnificent!!! Namaste :)

I agree with you friend

looks so tasty

Nice restaurant.

Thank you :P

Delicate <3

Thank you ~

Good post
I like to have a stemit friend like you who are a fan. I want to be like you to spark my aspirations to be liked by other stemit friends. I want to be the best poet that many fans like you. @ Sinta

Thank you for your comment. You can be one, steem on my friend :)

Amazing and such a besutiful array of foods. Will love to be there some day. I love travelling. Upvoted and following you.

I think that I watched the GIF with the Long Spout Teapot Tea more than a minute. Haha. Great post, btw. Upvoted ;) - #Padre

hahaxd, it's a traditional tea making culture in Sichuan. It's my first time to see this performance, I was so excited and kept drinking up my tea lol


Everything here looks so good and amazing, a lot of it is the presentation that draws me to this food!

Gamut of foods in Shenzhen look interesting. Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure :)

thx for sharing