Wanderlust | Baler, Aurora Philippines (Day 2)

in #travel7 years ago

Second day (Day 2) in Baler April 23, 2017 (Sunday) we woke up early because our friend’s relatives invited us to have breakfast at their house. When we reached their house we met his relatives and my friends and I were shocked at the amount of food our friend’s aunt prepared for us. After breakfast my friend’s parent decided to tour us around Baler.

The first place we went to was the Lighthouse in Baler which includes hiking to reach the lighthouse. When we got to the beach below the lighthouse it started raining and we doubted about going to the lighthouse because it will be slippery. But then we thought what the heck? YOLO. You Only Live Once. So we decided to go through it because it was just it was just drizzling. The hike was kind of hard. Well, it was our first ever hike, so it was hard for us. I even wounded and bruised myself while climbing up. But when we reached the lighthouse we were disappointed because we can’t go up the lighthouse because the gate was locked, but even though we can’t go up the lighthouse the hike was all worth it because we were amazed by the view. It was breath taking. After taking a bunch of picture, the rain started pouring so we all decided to go back down, but it became harder because it was already slippery. But thanked God, we got down safely.

After the lighthouse we decided to go to the fishing port, but we stopped on the highway to take pictures because as always the view was amazing because of the rock formation.

When we reached the fish port as always, we took photos and decided to rest there a bit and eat some of the snacks we brought.

After the fish port our next stop was the Balete Tree but on our way to the Balete Tree we decided to stop by at the falls but we decided not to go up to see the falls. We just stayed at the end of the falls and took pictures because me and my friend which is a girl is wearing a rubber shoe and we don’t want to get it wet.

Then after the falls we stopped by the Ermita Hill. Where the story was seven families in Baler climbed the hill to survive the tidal wave. There were statues that look like they are climbing the hill. The statues represent the seven families. There were also 200 steps of stairs to climb the hill, but we decided to not go to the top of the hill because we were tired of climbing our way up to the lighthouse


When we reached the Balete Tree we took pictures and payed an amount of 10 PHP to go through the Balete Tree which is disappointing because there wasn’t really much to see inside and it is not that big.

After a long drive back to the transient we decided to eat our lunch and decided to take a nap because our friend who lives there decided to look for a resort where we can swim in a swimming pool. After a while our friend and his friend got back and said that they found a resort. So we all decided to go there around 3 in the afternoon. We went to Villa Juana’s Angel Resort, which cost 30 PHP per person and their cottage cost 300 PHP until 6 in the evening. But they gave us a discount and told us that the cottage will only cost 250 PHP. The swimming pool water is color green. The water is clean because it is not that crowded. When we got there, there were only five people swimming there. The water was warm which felt so nice. We also played with the kids who were swimming in the pool. Which was really funny because we were already 20 years old and we were playing ‘taya tayaan’ with kids who are around 7 – 9 years old.

Two hours later we decided to go home and rest a bit. Our friends said that we were going to go somewhere where we can buy grilled foods. Like isaw and barbeque. So we decided to not cook our dinner. While fixing our things because we were supposedly going back to Manila the next day my friend said out of nowhere that “I want to extend our trip. Should we leave on Tuesday instead? Is it ok with you guys?” and I was like “Yup. It’s fine with me. I just need to find an ATM machine because I’m getting short on my budget.” Then we all decided to talk to our friend’s mom to ask permission if we can extend our trip and she said yes. Which really made us happy and we all decided to text our mom to inform them that we will extend our trip. What can our mom do? We’re already in Baler so they said yes we can extend our trip. After going to the ATM machine and ate a little amount of meal me and my friends decided to play cards while waiting for our friend’s other best friend to drive us to the restaurant that sells grilled foods but to our dismay he came around past midnight so the trip was postponed. He just said that he will just take us early in the morning to the Ampere Beach. So they just bought us two liters of beer and drunk our sorrows because we didn’t get a chance to eat some isaw and barbeque.

That’s the end of our second day in Baler. My next post will be the our third day in Baler which will be posted someday this week.

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