Inspire Steemit #7 - My first ever meeting with other Steemians in Thailand!泰国第一次和steemit小伙伴的见面会!- 骑行“曼谷的绿肺”

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Hi there, my beloved Steemit community! Long time, no see!
I have been quite busy recently, as some major changes took place in my life not that long time ago. I will be happy to share the news with you shortly! !

As I am in Thailand now, I had an amazing opportunity to meet some Steemians that came to Thailand from literally all around the world. A few days ago, a friend of mine (@mayasiam) invited me to join Thai Steemians meeting. It was quite an experience must I say, so I said to myself: Why wouldn't I share it with you? ;-)

Above Image Source:@waybeyondpadthai

First things first, so let me introduce you my friends from Steemit:

@mayasiam (Maya) – Maya is a great person and truly a soon-to-become star! She is Thai food blogger and she is already famous among her ever growing Steemit audience! If you like Thai food, her blog is not to be missed. From her blog you can learn a lot about cooking Thai food (including detailed recipes), Thai culture and much more! I highly recommend her blog. Btw. Food looks delicious as tastes out of this planet. Yay!

@waybeyondpadthai (Mo) – Mo is the person who actually organized our meeting and took care of everything. She is Thai national, but she can speak really fluent English! She is a great video blogger, who mainly talks about food, traveling and lifestyle. Her Dtube videos are truly awesome and well- edited. I like her style and her posts as well. They are not only interesting, but also fun and informative. I do appreciate all efforts she puts into her blog. No wonder why she is already quite popular! Well deserved! I hope to learn from you in the future!

We also had a pleasure to meet some new Steemians - @travelling-two, @hotboxtheplanet, @wallawallabree, @nicholiss. Some of them already live in Thailand and some came here from the States. They are really cool people, check out their blogs and support them as much as you can as that's just a beginning of their Steemit journey!

Above Image Source:

We went to the place called 'Bang Krachao', also known as 'Bangkok's Green Lungs' ,because it is full of amazing natural scenery, being close to Bangkok at the same time. You need to spend just as little as 80 Baht to rent a local bike and ride around all island for the whole day! Follow me!


Bang Krachao is a small island surrounded by the biggest river in Thailand – Chao Phraya. All the island is full of green trees and flowers, many birds and other animals. Nature seems kind of untouched here. Very nice experience!

What we did first was renting a small boat to reach the island itself. Right after reaching the islan!d we paid 80 BHT so that we could have a ride on the bikes all around the island. Bottle of water included, cool! Okay, let's go!

Above Image Source:@mayasisam



Above Image Source:



This day was truly an eventful day and I don't regret having spent a single minute with my newly met friends! That was a unique experience for me, as it was my first opportunity to meet other Steemit users in real life! Nice to meet you guys and I hope to see you again!

I am @kikima and I currently living in Thailand, Bangkok. You are more than welcome to pop in and say hello! We will definitely have a great time!

Hi, 亲爱的 steemit小伙伴们,好久不见,最近kiki真的很忙,因为生活发生很大的变化,具体发生了什么事,我过后会和大家说的哈:)

最近kiki一直在泰国,也认识了一些来自各国的steemit小伙伴们,前几天我的泰国朋友@mayasiam 邀请我参加了泰国steemit小伙伴的见面会活动!这是一次非常有趣的经历,在这里想和大家分享一下!


@mayasiam(maya) - Steemit上知名的美食博主,非常擅长于烹饪泰国美食。如果你喜欢泰国美食,千万不要错过她的博客哦!可以学到很多正宗泰国美食烹饪技巧和泰国文化!我非常推荐她的博客与你分享!

@waybeyondpadthai (Mo) –这次小型聚会的组织者,她是泰国人,说得一口流利的英文。她是很棒的视频博主,博客上主要谈论食物和旅游以及生活方式,她在Dtube视频做真棒!不仅仅是很有趣的内容,并且可以学到很多有用的信息,她真的很努力,所以她的作品已经开始很受欢迎了,我很喜欢她的视频特效风格!我要好好向她学习O(∩_∩)O哈!

另外遇到其他新的steemit小伙伴们分别是@travelling-two, @hotboxtheplanet, @wallawallabree, @nicholiss,他们有的居住在泰国,有的来自美国到泰国旅行!同样都是超级nice的steemit小伙伴!他们有的是刚刚接触到steemit,并且注册了账号开始了steemit之旅啦!多多支持他们吧!

我们去的地方叫'Bang Krachao',也被称为'曼谷的绿肺',因为它是真正的绿色和接近曼谷。在那里你可以只需花80泰铢租用当地自行车然后可以整天环岛骑行,follow me!

Bang Krachao,一个被泰国母亲河——湄南河拥抱着的冲积小岛,岛上绿树成荫,鸟语花香,自然生态保持得非常好。我们需要先租一条小船横渡到岛上哈!我们到达岛上后,付了80泰铢后,可以换得一辆自行车和一瓶矿泉水,小伙伴们已经都准备好啦,出发!!!





Looks like great fun! Always a pleasant surprise to see how friendly other Steemians are through these meetings.

Hello @wilfredn! Yes, indeed! It was truly a great time and I need to make it my habit! In the end of the day - Steemit is a social media platform so... let's socialize! ;-)

Wow! Already a strong local community in Thailand! I'm planning to go vacation with @vaelriey in Thailand (Kho Lanta and surrounding island with a few days in Bangkok) this coming July! Any chance we can meetup?

Hi @awesomianist! You are right, Thai Steemit community is growing bigger and bigger and it's very lively and vibrant as well. I really dig it so far. I think there is a chance for another meetup as soon as you let us know in advance! Keep me updated! Cheers!





Yay!!! Steemians! Let's have some more fun together soon. ;)

sureeeee O(∩_∩)O

Thanks for the lovely post! It was great meeting you too and we might see each other in the future as we both live in Bangkok now 😊

Sure , haha , why not :)






god damn! I somehow just saw the post. Well written with all nice photos! ❤


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