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RE: Chalk It Up To...Well, Chalk
What a fabulous adventure! I'd be fascinated by the rocks, too. What a lovely place to walk. And yes, Milo is a Very Good Boy.
What a fabulous adventure! I'd be fascinated by the rocks, too. What a lovely place to walk. And yes, Milo is a Very Good Boy.
Katrina, I'm getting to see shades of his personality emerge here that were never apparent back home. He is almost human in his ability to interact and communicate. He has begun to show a deep concern for children and becomes horribly distressed if he hears one crying. So now we're working on learning about tantrums--that sometimes kids sound like you're killing them just because they can, not because they're actually dying. It's very important that he learn this before some unsuspecting parent gets tackled by an eighty-five pound do-gooder, ya know.
Ha! When I first brought my twins home one of my cats was extremely concerned when they cried and insisted I DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS RIGHT AWAY OMG!!! It was sweet. She eventually calmed down when she realized they just make a lot of noise every day. But that's adorable that Milo is so protective/nurturing, and it seems to go with his sense of responsibility as the pack leader, too.