Qashar Prayer Terms
Qashar Prayer Terms
One of the dispensations in Islamic law is qashar prayer. Qashar is summarizing the number of rak'ahs of prayer from four to two. Like other worship, there are conditions that must be met before performing qashar.
Here we mention the conditions for qashar prayer:
Traveling that is not for immoral purposes has passed Sur Balad Have a clear destination The journey distance is sixteen farsakh The traveler intends to go to a place he knows until two marhalah The traveler knows the law can qashar The prayer that is performed is the prayer there 'or the qadha prayer' that occurs on the way, not the prayer that is left at home The intention of qashar is done when takbiratul ikhram Do not believe in people who pray perfectly done is still on the way.
Reference: I'anah Thalibin Juz 2 Pg 188 Cet DKI