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RE: I'm starting a dream journal

in #travel7 years ago

Have you read Carlos Castaneda's - The Art of Dreaming? I experimented with lucid dreaming for a while when I was backpacking in New Zealand. That book help a lot. I started to run down a rabbit hole and do believe that one can get stuck there - travel with caution and respect for the realm friend. "Look at your hands"


Never read that but I think I will grab a bunch of lucid dreaming books you guys here suggest to me and start reading. Thanks for the free reality check! I'm not dreaming atm :)

I had some amazing experiences and learned a lot! I was at a point where I could control every dream for a few months. I feel that I may have took advantage of the privledge and was not as respectful of the realm as I should have been (I was 19). One night I had to "wake" myself up through 5 different levels before waking up in this reality we know. Each one felt "real". I feel as though I could have easily got stuck if I had gone much deeper.

Holy shit, that's heavy stuff. These kinds of lucid dreaming stories are exactly the reason it should be investigated and scientifically tested and taken seriously.

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