reading this makes me cry. Just recently Ive been really feeling like my time with my kids are precious. They are no longer children they are teenagers and I wonder where time has gone. I make a point of trying to be there even more than before. Doing the little things that mean so much to them. Like going and tucking my kids in one more time, making them a hot chocolate and waiting for them to talk, trying to not let little things become big things. Im holding on to the precious time of childhood that I have and letting the unneccessaries be where they need to be. Take care Im going to resteem and follow you because I believe every parent needs a little reminder sometimes. Thanks for sharing this.
I feel you, my son is 21 and I sometimes wonder where did time go <3
That right my eldest is 11 years old now he don't want me to kiss him goodbye anymore when he goes to school :( so sad:(
They go through a period like that then they go back to being mamas boys just watch :)
Thank you :) WE will have to enjoy the now moment because there will be a time that are kids woth be kids anymore:( Followed you also :)