Losses islands Ituzaingo
Source: http://www.ituzaingo.gob.ar/index.php/4495-atractivos-de-ituzaingo-segunda-entrega
Andurrial ascetic, land of paye, chronic, heading and beliefs, a place lost, treasured in the heart of my mulch this lost reef.
Source: http://www.ruta0.com/ituzaingo-corrientes.htm
The loss insula, is a set of archipelagoes Parana River, this group of islands are formed by large Apipe Atoll (Apipe in Guarani means Lomadas), Apipe boy, San Martin. Ducks, Rivadavia, and Progress.
An area of about 400 sq km island is home to 3,000 inhabitants. Declared provincial nature reserve in 1994, discovered by Sebastian Cabot in 1528. The first racking was built in 1615 by the Fray Luis Bolaños with 100 Guarani, after the indigenous community would be banished from their payments.
In 1848 ships with Paraguayan soldiers under lázaro commander centurion invade the islands, drove the inhabitants and correntinos military took control of the islands, allocating land to the Nation Paraguaya, until October 1865 when brave correntinos soldiers recovered the islands.
The island mislaid, is a reservoir of freshwater in the town of ituzaingo or hanging Guarani Indian language. In honor of the Indian Itu, a Guarani Indian took his own life by hanging himself from a tree, itu by name, zaingo by hanging verb, tragic name for a mysterious city.
Place stupefied wonder of my land, west of the capital correntina a distance of 227 kilometers, emerges City ituzaingo. Concurring in 1864 by Don Bernardino Valley.
Mysterious place, happy place, it is said that at night the town comes alive, the breezes wind drag sounds of yesterday, steps horses, noisy swords clashing, shouting and own cries of the wounded soldier, the superstitious village attribute the spirits of the Creoles who lost their lives in the battle of ituzaingo, souls who never realized the end of the war, resumed their battle night after night. The magic emerges when night, the downtown district of the borough was proscenium of the battle of the triple alliance, declared a historical park, in commemoration of the War.
In a mystical climate, Parana seduces visitors with its steep banks, own the most important beaches in the taragui, vast white sand beaches, offer visitors a break in the shadows of the palm trees, barbecues, camping and outsider canteen service.
Many alternatives for the young men of nature, walking barefoot along the beach enjoying the white sand bathe your feet, walk the old town bike, take a boat and visit the islands, ride horses for the lost archipelagos, feel the cool breeze of Parana both longing and the Correntino soldier fight for their sovereignty. My gaucho who gave his life to look after this place is there, he never knew that the war was over, night after night, resumed their battle, as the story spread, in honor of my people pora.
Knowing stays hovering around the place, pure life, fresh air, trees, howler monkeys and, wonder of the lost paradise that awaits us toaya, if you made sure the good things meet.
Craftswomen hands of my people and their creativity, build an imposing hydroelectric dam Yacyretá, check it Chamigo my brother will guide you. A guided tour inside the establishment, know the inner secrets of this architectural wonder. Candle light your nights, leave this place, I'm not selfish and I spread, it is a national pride.
cultural exponent delight your eyes, the house of Don Bernardino Valley located on the banks of the Parana River hydroelectric dam Yacyretá, El Puerto de Ituzaingó, Amphitheatre Salvador Sena, Paseo Pioneer Bridge Loreto Church San Juan Bautista, Cultural Center, that which jealously guards in her womb the wonderful story of ituzaingo.
The bourgeois, ready to welcome guest in their home, you have several places for rest outsider. Hotel, Apart hotel, cottages and bungalows, hotels and inns, rural accommodation, hostels, A city ready to welcome tourists coming from all over the world.
Visitors can attend any time of the year, 365 days and nights of pure fun, thinking about the welfare of visiting their homeland.
Festival of Energy, the Expo Ituzaingó, with local produce and handicrafts seal place, Festival of Doma and errs Festival estudiantina and your choice of queen, Championship Missionary Duro in Soro beach presented , Tourism Festival, Moto Meeting of travelers around the world gather around wood stoves, Reyna friendship and brotherhood, tradition Festival commemorates the traditions of their ancestors.
For Barragdns twilight, carnival one of the most beautiful events of ituzaigueño city. different groups are presented. It attired in colorful handmade costumes, predominantly glitter, sequins, feathers and splendor, the passage of the floats, samba, carnival music, rhythm infected with the joy of this popular festival.
The people boast of their carantoñas Integration contest Fisheries Surubí, the bull Parana patient waiting to fishing enthusiasts a varied fishing throughout the year, an environment conducive to enjoy every possible way fishing spot: spinning, fly cast, fishing float or bottom fishing.
The waters of the Parana invite you to enjoy the taste of the meat of the fruit, the surubí, dorado, salmon and pati.
This story was just an introduction, Enough words, the pictures speak for itself.
Source: http://www.elterritorio.com.ar/nota4.aspx?c=2114894504410628
Source: http://infodia.com.ar/podrian-habilitar-el-transito-fronterizo-ituzaingo-ayolas-sobre-yacyreta/
Source: http://www.ituzaingo.gob.ar/index.php/3753-programa-del-24-junio-dia-de-san-juan-bautista
Source: http://www.argentinaviajera.com.ar/corrientes/costasantino.html
Below I detail the sources of information.
Source: http://www.corrientes.com.ar/ituzaingo/historia.htm
Source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ituzaing%C3%B3_(Corrientes)
Source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islas_Apip%C3%A9
mystical place, full of paye, stories, legends and superstition, rather lost, treasured in the heart of the land without evil of the Guarani.
This place is not there a fiction and this here in my land Corrientes
I hope tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes
José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
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