Welcome to Brunei Darussalam # 1, Smoking and Vaping are Prohibited by Law (Bilingual)

in #travel7 years ago

This is the first time i visit Brunei Darussalam, the largest non-smoking area country in the world. Not every single inch of place here can smoke, even in the open, near the garbage can, wherever in the whole country of Brunei Darussalam was not allowed to. We could not find any cigarette butts here.


Ini pertama sekali saya datang ke Brunei Darussalam, Negara bebas rokok terluas di dunia. Tak ada sejengkal tanah pun di sini boleh merokok, bahkan di alam terbuka, dekat bak sampah, dimana pun di seluruh Negara Brunei Darussalam pun tak boleh merokok. Kita tak menemukan ada puntung rokok.

"Since 2012 there were no shops which sold cigarettes here. If anyone was founded, they were fined and revoked, "said Ali, my New friend in Brunei.

Sejak 2012 tak ada toko atau kedai yang menjual rokok di negara ini. Jika ditemukan, mereka didenda dan permitnya dicabut,” kata Ali, sabahat saya di Brunei.


Hence, upon arriving at Brunei International Airport in Bandar Seri Begawan, we find no Smoking Room. Even at the hotel was up to the bathroom posted a sign of no smoking.

Makanya, begitu tiba di Brunei International Airport Bandar Seri Begawan, kita tidak menemukan Smoking Room. Bahkan di hotel pun sampai ke kamar mandi dipasang signboard dilarang merokok.

"We can not find a cigarette here, if anyone smokes, we have to go to the Malaysia Border and buy cigarettes, and we can only buy two packs. To bring to Brunei, both must be open, as a sign that it is a cigarette for its own consumption and not for commerce,” Ali added.

Kami tidak bisa mencari rokok di sini, kalau ada yang merokok, kita harus pergi ke Perbatasan Serawak dan membeli rokok, dan kita hanya boleh membeli dua bungkus. Untuk membawa ke Brunei, keduanya harus terbuka, sebagai tanda bahwa itu rokok untuk konsumsi sendiri dan bukan untuk perniagaan,” tambah Ali.

How does the State Stop Smoking?

The state is conducting a program to make people stop smoking gradually by controlling the price and distribution of cigarettes. First the price of a packed of cigarettes in Brunei was B $ 1 (Brunei dollar) Then the country raises to become B $ 2, continues to be B $ 5, B $ 10 continues up to B $ 12. Price B $ 1 is equivalent to Rp 10,500. "When the price of cigarettes B $ 12, people were not able to buy cigarettes," said Ali.


Negara melakukan program untuk membuat warga berhenti merokok secara bertahap dengan cara mengendalikan harga dan peredaran rokok. Pertama sekali harga ever an rokok sebungkus di Brunei adalah B$ 1 (dolar Brunei) Kemudian negara menaikkan jadi jadi B$ 2, terus jadi B$ 5, B$ 10 terus sampai B$ 12. Harga B$ 1 setara dengan Rp 10.500. “Ketika harga rokok B$ 12, orang sudah tak sanggup beli rokok,” kata Ali terkekeh.

After the citizens can not afford to buy cigarettes, then the country set about smoking bans and the ban on selling cigarettes.

Setelah warga mulai tidak sanggup beli rokok, barulah negara mengatur tentang larangan merokok dan larangan menjual rokok.

Posts containing this message "Smoking and Vaping are Prohibited by Law" and "Smoking and Vaping are Harmful to Health" are in every place.


Tulisan berisi pesan ini “Smoking and Vaping are Prohibited by Law” dan “Smoking and Vaping are Harmful to Health” ada di setiap tempat, dalam ruangan maupun luar ruangan.

Punishment for Smokers

For those who try smoking, they will be faced with 3 officers from 3 different agencies: police, officers from the health department and immigration officers.

Bagi yang mencoba-coba merokok, mereka akan berhadapan dengan 3 petugas dari 3 instansi berbeda: polisi, petugas dari departemen kesehatan dan petugas imigrasi.


"Why do the immigration officers?" I asked. "Yes they will check how cigarettes could get into Brunei, and from which country they got," Ali explained.

“Lho kok petugas imigrasi?” tanya saya. “Ya mereka akan check bagaimana rokok bisa masuk ke Brunei, dari negara mana dan masuk darimana,” jelas Ali.

Against smokers, if caught, first they get penalty / fine B $ 300. They also had to make a statement not to repeat the action.co next time. If you catched, both of the B fine of $ 1000. And catched, the three penalties B $ 5000.


Terhadap perokok, jika ketangkap pertama sekali mereka kena penalty/denda B$ 300. Perokok ketika membayar harus membuat pernyataan tidak mengulangi perbuatannya. Jika ketangkap kedua dendanya B$ 1000. Dan ketangkap ketiga dendanya B $ 5000.

"Here the fine is really to be paid or if you do not want to pay you will enter to jail," said Ali.

The Nature of the Kingdom is the Property of the People

“Disini dendanya benar-benar harus dibayar atau jika tidak mau bayar anda akan dipenjara.” Tutur Ali.

Alam Raya adalah Milik Seluruh Warga

I asked, why people were not allowed to smoke in the open place. "The state has a principle, that the state is obliged to protect its people. The air in the universe is public property, If you smoke, public air will be polluted, "Ali said.

Please come to Brunei, but remember, do not ever try to smoke here!


Saya tanya, mengapa di tempat yang terbuka pun tidak boleh merokok. “Negara punya prinsip, bahwa negara wajib melindungi rakyatnya. Udara di alam raya adalah milik publik, Jika Anda merokok, udara milik publik akan tercemar,” kata Ali.

Silahkan datang ke Brunei, tapi jangan coba-coba merokok di sini!

TitleSmoking and Vaping are Prohibited by Law
CameraIPhone 7+
LocationBrunei Darussalam

Bandar Seri Begawan, 14 Mei 2018

With ❤@jkfarza



Asik yang jalan-jalan ke brunei, kota yang kental dengan nuansa Islami dan Kerajaan Brunei Darussalam. Travel yang menyenangkan.

Spiritual trip

seronok nye encik jalan"
Semoga selamat balik sampai tujuan ye :)

Oic, pastilah, seronok ncik @riezaldi, nak ikut ke?

takpe la encik time kaseh :D

Seronok di Kuching bro @riezaldi 😅


mantap abgda ingat!! jangan lupa balik taw 😅

Program bertahap untuk membuat perokok berhenti. Mungkin next bisa diterapkan di negara kita.. kayaknya bakalan rame haha... saya sendiri sebel jika ada perokok dekat saya, rasanya dada sesak g kuat dengan asapnya.

Iya, faktor risiko

sepertinya buat yg ingin lepas merokok hijrah dulu ke Brunai yaaa bang @jkfarza 😂😂😂

Iya, salah satu cara

I think that's a smart and wise policy of the government, he keeps his whole citizens in a safe long life, and Indonesia should do this, take the best message, when you return back to Indonesia, hai bang @jkfarza euy :)

Let's thing and do the best for our lovely country

Oleh oleh Yanda 😊

Insyaallah, belajar yang rajin ya Nak

Udaranya pasti bersih di Brunei.....

Sangat, inspiratif

Omak gawat that Nanggroe nyan Bang nyoe? Kiban cara nyan. Bek sampe nanggroe tanyoe na meunan bang beh?

Get hai nyan

Pelanggaran hak asasi yang didukung dunia...

Yayaya, hak untuk kebebasan berekspresi ya @mariska.lubis, smoke adalah salahsatu wujudnya hehe

Hana jadeh jak le loen.

Kalau @mariska.lubis lahir di Brunei, kurasa dia akan mati muda karena kesehatannya terganggu akibat larangan merokok semasif ini :D

Kurasa @mariska.lubis akan menjadi demontrans, walau sendirian ia tetap angkat spaduk di jalan Sri Sultan HB hehe, di tengah kota Bandar Seri

Pak Risman bek neujak, hana cocok keutanyoe 4. Dron, @mariska.lubis, @beladro dan lon.
Lon mantong kulakee woe

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