Haha thx for resteem and the like on my video! Those exercises are more difficult that I actually thought.
Just for ur info btw. After the hard fork which happened last week, all the likes you give the users before 15 minutes go straight back to rewards pool. It's good and bad at the same time - you can't give users full like before 15 minutes so they don't have to share the curation. That's the bad part. Eg now, your upvote goes back to pool haha and I won't get anything :D
But the good part is, that all the selfupvoters who were giving themselves biiig likes before 15 minutes mark can't do it anymore. Cuz they lose all the money. So they have to wait at least 15 minutes to selfupvote and that means 25% of their upvote will go curators.
Short version is - never upvote before 15 minute mark :D I guess u had no time noticing changes as you two are busy being in love haha :D
Haha thx for resteem and the like on my video! Those exercises are more difficult that I actually thought.
Just for ur info btw. After the hard fork which happened last week, all the likes you give the users before 15 minutes go straight back to rewards pool. It's good and bad at the same time - you can't give users full like before 15 minutes so they don't have to share the curation. That's the bad part. Eg now, your upvote goes back to pool haha and I won't get anything :D
But the good part is, that all the selfupvoters who were giving themselves biiig likes before 15 minutes mark can't do it anymore. Cuz they lose all the money. So they have to wait at least 15 minutes to selfupvote and that means 25% of their upvote will go curators.
Short version is - never upvote before 15 minute mark :D I guess u had no time noticing changes as you two are busy being in love haha :D
The adorbz level is off the charts! More!
Thx @vanessav!
Este post fue automaticamente votado, en un experimento al programar con la API de Steemit
Ohhhh thanks! Ok I’ll def save my 100% likes for after 15 mins. I’ll have to adjust all my autovotes to after 15.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Here is the part I was talking about in the official release notes:
And here release notes if u wanna read more.
Off to boxing now :)