Hamarikyu Gardens is an amazing piece of nature surrounded by bustling part of Tokyo and Sumida River to the South-East. I reached there for 10 minutes of pleasant walk from the popular Tsukiji Market located in the vicinity.
En route to Hamarikyu Gardens from Tsukiji Market.

This bridge takes us over the canal straight to the entrance.

There is a 300 Yen fee for entry but it is totally worth it!

With the first few steps you take into the Gardens, you are transported into totally different environment from the busy city that's left behind. Only the tall buildings in the distance remind us we are not back in the times of the Samurai.

More of the surroundings.

Quick glance back to the entrance and we take the path into the Hamarikyu Gardens.

After a short stroll we reach the beautiful lake in the heart of the Gardens.

The view from here is spectacular...

...and in the midst of the lake full of life, there is a small tea pavilion where one can enjoy a traditional Japanese tea.

Beautiful landscape is everywhere around us...

...and if you look hard enough you will find stairs and a way to higher place...

Just one of the amazing views from the Gardens towards Tokyo.

...another one...

A view of the Rainbow Bridgein the distance connecting Tokyo and Odaiba.

We are in the midst of our tour and the views can't stop to amaze me...

We are not the only ones who enjoy the allure of this place.

Just one of the many bridges over the pools of water around us.

The Small Kyu Inao Shrine is hidden inside the Gardens but for those who are looking it is easy to find...

Taking the road ahead to our next stopping place.

We sit on a bench and take a break on the shores of this pond.

300 years is the age of this pine tree...

Another amazing place where we stopped for a nice rest under the trees. The serenity of this place is unique.

After spending three amazing hours in Hamarikyu Gardens it is time to head back to the exit.

We leave refreshed and charged by the energy of this place with experience we'll never forget. Our next stop in Tokyo awaits us...

Thank you everyone for going through the whole post, which is my first one by the way. I chose to keep the text short to avoid taking your time and stress on the visuals. This place is really amazing and I highly recommend going there if you visit Tokyo. I've been twice to Japan and got more Tokyo stories to share with you. All pictures are taken by me. Hope to see you in the next one!