Travel Korea : Another historical city Uiseong? (의성여행 이야기)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi. Steemit Friends!

Today, I bring a travel story of Uiseong. This is not familiar travel site for Korea, neither, because it is pretty far from Seoul where is a capital city in Korea. Uiseong is very very country town, but it is a historical city. There are Hanok Villages which is Korean traditional house villages. Of cause, Uiseong travel won't be easy and comfortable. I told you so, it is not city travel.

안녕하세요. 여러분.

오늘은 의성여행 이야기를 들려드릴까 해요. 아마 한국분들에게도 의성은 익숙하지 않은 여행지가 아닐까 싶습니다. 서울에서 꽤 머니까요. 하지만 의성은 시골이긴 하지만 역사적으로 의미가 있는 도시더라고요. 저도 이번 기회에 알게 되었습니다. 한옥마을도 있는 만큼 한번 가보시는 건 어떨까요? 물론 엄청 시골이고 접근성도 좋지 않기에 쉽거나 편한 여행지는 아니라는 점 알려드리고 싶어요.




First I recommend you to visit is Sachon Village. You can see traditional houses that people still live in. Sachon has a sad history. Do you know about Japanese colonial era of Korea? At that time, Korean didn't cut their hair because parents handed down it. Thus people thought it very preciously. However, in Japanese colonial era, Japanese force to cut Korean's hair and not using Korean at all. They did pretty bad things a lot to Korean during Japanese colonial era. People who live in Sachon Village were farmers and just normal people. However, they were angry about what Japanese people did to Korean people. I guess that they might scary to fight them, but they were very brave. They brought old guns and farm tools to defeat Japanese. They were an army raised in the cause of justice and farmers. Sadly, their trial failed because Japanese armed with weapons of the latest model. Japanese wiped their village off the map in revenge. Now, the village rebuilt by their descendant.

첫번째로 제가 추천해 드릴 장소는 사촌마을이예요. 한옥들이 있고 실제로 아직 사람들이 살고 있는 곳이죠. 사촌마을은 슬픈 역사를 가지고 있는데요. 일제강점기 때 의병을 일으킨 곳이거든요. 대다수 주민이 농민이었던 그곳에서 단발령 등 일본인들의 악행을 보다못한 마을분들이 의병을 일으켰고 용맹하게 싸우셨죠. 물론 실패를 했고 그에 대한 보복으로 마을은 불태워져 없어졌다고 해요. 하지만 지금은 그들의 후손이 재건해 마을을 다시 일으키고 있답니다.




Second place that I recommend you is Jomunkuk Historic Site. As you can see from pictures, view is very nice. Peaceful. This place is a trace of a nation which was existed long time ago. The name was Jomunkuk. If you curious about it, you can visit museum of it.

두번째로 추천드릴만한 곳은 조문국 사적지예요. 사진에서 보다시피 전망이 아주 좋거든요. 이곳은 아주 오래전 존재했었떤 나라, 조문국이라는 곳에 흔적을 찾을 수 있는 곳이예요. 조문국에 대해 더 궁금하시다면 근처 조문국 박물관을 찾으시는 것도 하나의 방법인것 같습니다.




Third place that I recommend is Gounsa Temple. Many Korean people believe in Buddha. Gounsa Temple is one of oldest temples in Korea. The temple has unique atmosphere that temple has.

How to get Uiseong?
It is hard to get there. Thus I recommend you rent a car. I took a express bus from east express bus terminal to Andong. And I rent a car from there and drive about 30 minutes to get Uiseong. Or you can rent a car from Seoul and drive few hours to get Uiseong. That is not that famous travel site in Korea, thus these ways are only way to get there. There is an express bus from Seoul to Uiseong, but Uiseong is not easy to travel without a car. That's why I told you that you should rent a car.

Hope you enjoyed this post, don't forget to upvote if you like it, follow for more, and feel free to leave a comment to let me know what you think! Thank you. Have a lovely day.

마지막 장소로 제가 추천드리는 곳은 고운사입니다. 고운사는 오래된 절 중 하나인만큼 그 운치가 남다른 곳이예요.

의성은 참고로 차없이는 여행하기 힘든 곳이예요. 그래서 저는 안동까지 고속버스를 타고 그곳에서 차를 빌렸는데요. 30분이면 의성에 도착하는 코스라서 그렇게 했어요. 아니면 서울에서부터 운전하실 수 있다면 서울에서 차를 빌리셔도 되요. 의성까지 오는 고속버스는 있는데 차 없이는 여행하기 힘든 곳이 만약 의성여행을 오신다면 꼭 차는 빌리시길.

오늘도 읽어주셔서 감사해요. 제 이야기가 좋으셨다면 팔로우 부탁드립니다. 좋은 하루 되세요!


One of percect picture that you take.

Nice place helps me to

Looks like an amazing trip. Wonderful photos too

Yes it was pretty nice trip.

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