A Remarkable Library is Opened in Seoul, Korea!(서울 별마당도서관)

in #travel7 years ago

Hello. Steemit Friends!! :)

Have you ever heard about Byuelmadang Library in Korea? It is opened at June. It is located in Coex mall which used to be a famous indoor shopping mall in Korea. It is near to Gangnam Station. Maybe you heard the word 'Gangnam'. It got famous because of the song 'Gangnam Style'. It takes only few stations to get there from gangnam station. The library is very remarkable place for hanging out. Specially if you like to read a book, you gonna falling in love with it. And I did. If you have plan to travel in Korea, you should visit here.

안녕하세요. 여러분.

오늘은 별마당도서관에서 얘기할까 해요. 지난달에 생긴 별마당 도서관에 대해 들어본 적이 있나요? 이미 수많은 언론 및 주변 분들이 얘기를 하고 있기 때문에 아마 들어보셨을 것 같아요. 그래도 아직 들어보지 못한 분이나 보지 못한 분들을 위해 사진을 몇장 가져왔습니다. 책을 좋아하신다면 분명 좋아하실거예요. 위치는 코엑스 내에 위치해 있습니다.



You can donate books that you don't read anymore to the library. Yes. This library is operated by someone like you or me. Anyone who want to enter the library and read books as many as he or she want. It is all free to use. I think that it is very good purpose for people who live in Seoul. That's why I decided to donated some books that I don't read anymore.

별마당도서관은 누구나 책을 기부할 수 있어요. 기부하는 사람들의 책으로 운영되는 멋진 곳이죠. 누구나 책을 자유롭게 읽고 쉬었다 갈 수 있는데 비용은 모두 무료예요. 좋은 목적을 가지고 있는 도서관인것 같아서 저 역시 책을 몇권 기부를 했답니다.



As you can see, the library is filled with a lot of books. If you enter the library, you can feel that the unique atmosphere of it.

보시다시피 책들로 가득 채워져 있기 때문에 오시면 도서관 특유의 분위기를 만끽할 수 있어요.



There are many kinds of books, and various kinds of magazines, too! The library is good for killing time before appointment with friends. Because of location of library is very nice, people can meet here! There are many shops around the library. If your friend told you he or she gonna late, you can spend time very wisely and interestingly here.

다양한 책들도 있는데 인상깊었던 것은 잡지책들도 있다는 것이예요. 시간 보내기 정말 안성맞춤 장소랄까요. 친구가 약속에 좀 늦는다고 연락오면 뭐 어때요. 여기서 책읽으며 시간보내면 되는걸요.




There are many spots to seat and read some books. Some tables have socket, so you can even charge your cell phone or lap top for free. You can take out any books from bookshelf and read them, but can't bring it outside of the library. I could see some people study at the library. Thus, if you just want to read books hear, that is fine, and if you want to study here, that is also fine, too.

앉아서 책을 읽을만한 장소는 많았어요. 어떤 테이블에는 충전을 할 수 있는 콘센트도 있었죠. 책장에서 어느책이든 자유롭게 볼 수 있지만 밖으로 가져가는 것은 안되고요. 만약 공부를 하기 위해 이곳에 왔다면 그것도 가능하니 참고하세요.



If you want to search a book that you are looking for, you can use the search PC to find it. In addition, there are not only paper books but also e-books. There are some kinds of iPad, so people can read e-books.



There is a piano, because the library open some little concert sometimes. Book talk, musician concert, etc opens in here. I guess that that's why people like the library more! The library close at 10 p.m.

I hope you like the information of new library in Korea. If you enjoy it, please follow me. :) Thank you.

참고로 피아노도 한 대 있는데요. 그 이유는 여기에서 작은 북콘서트나 공연도 하기 때문이예요. 그래서 사람들이 이곳을 더 좋아하는 것 같습니다. 참고로 도서관은 10시에 문을 닫으니 그 전에 방문해 주세요.

이번 이야기도 좋아하셨길 바라며, 팔로우 부탁드려요. 감사합니다. :)


Looks and read like a great library and I am always enjoying my local library since young. So many treasures waiting to be discovered in libraries. Ok, I enjoy reading, maybe that's the reason ;)

Yes right. Books can be treasures for people.

얼마전에 코엑스에서 박람회가 있어서 갔다가 보았습니다.
정말 어마어마한 책들이 있더군요. 역시 서울에 살아야 하나 봅니다. ^^

들어가자마자 엄청난 모습에 감탄했어요 저도 ㅎㅎ

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