Rafting In A Wonderful River of Mane - Aceh

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

I love nature, and I really enjoy spending time in remote area, far away from civilization. However, this is my 1st time doing rafting. It was raining, I feel a little worried flood would come to our way, but everything was fine and awesome.
Ini adalah kali pertama bagi ku melakukan kegiatan arung jeram. Keadaan hujan membuat saya agak waspada, karena takut datang air bah, syukur enggak ada kejadian yang aneh2.

This rafting place known as Mane is located in Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia. We can reach this place by driving for 3 hours from Banda Aceh (the central town of Aceh). For the budged I can say it's pretty cheap, you only need to prepare around 15$ for Four hours ride, you can take a break whenever you feel tired, and continue your adventure when you feel recharged.
Lokasi arung jeram ini adalah di Mane, Pidie, Aceh. Untuk mencapai lokasi dibutuhkan kira-kira 3 jam berkendara dari kota Banda Aceh. Biayanya enggak mahal, sekitaran 150rb untuk 1x perjalanan.

Here you can enjoy stunning sight, everything is so clean and the air is so fresh, not to mention that fresh and cold water. Everything around here really could help you healing and refreshing your mind.
Semuanya terlihat sangat sempurna ketika saya menginjakkan kaki di Mane, air sungai yang bersih dan sejuk, udara yang segar, ini semua seakan mengangkat beban2 di kepala selama ini.

Even you will enjoy your driving, since in the road side you can see a lot of wonderful scenery, such as mini waterfalls, jungles, rice field, mountain, river, etc.
Bahkan perjalanan ke lokasi sangat menyenangkan, karena kita akan disuguhi pemandangan yang indah, seperti air2 terjun mini disekitar jalan, sungai dll. Pokoknya sangat recommended buat liburanlah, mudah2an akan ada kesempatan untuk mengunjungi tempat ini lagi.

WhatsApp Image 2018-05-17 at 17.20.10 (2).jpeg

Well, That's all for today, see you in my next post ^ ^.
Nah, sampai di sini dulu perjumpaan kita hari ini, sampai jumpa pada postingan berikutnya ^ ^.


That looks absolutely amazing!!! Nothing better than getting back to nature! 😊

Yep, Indeed this place is super Amazing.

Sungai, hutan, udara sejuk yang alami. I love them all. So, hana, yang mana yang lebih hana sukai? Hutan dan sungai? Atau pantai dan laut? Hehehe

WOW, it looks fantastic... that waterfall! When was the last time I experienced a waterfall, hmmmmm......? I better put that in my list of things to do. Thank you for bringing us along on your river rafting rafting activity! How often do you do this? Thanks for sharing, my friend.

Not often, this is my first time... I often visiting beaches, there are so many wonderful beaches around here since Indonesia has so many Islands.

looks like you had boat load of fun!!!

Oh yeah, you have to do this too.... It will make you feel so much better.

I used to love rafting on the Kern River, north of Los Angeles County, California, where I lived at the time. Good times, good friends, and being in nature is the best.

Ironically, now that we live on one of the cleanest rivers in Tennessee, much of which is relatively wild, we have yet to raft, canoe or kayak even an inch of it. That needs to change, and soon!

Thank for the inspiration! I used to have friends in Indonesia, and the photos look amazing, so I'll definitely have to visit one day.

Oh you are from a big city, I also have some American friends, one of them also love kayaking back in the state, I forget what is the name of the river 😂 she said she can do it for hours...

Come and visit Indonesia, we have a lot beautiful places all around the country, we also have many small Islands which doesn't have dwellers, so it would be so fun as we will feel the island belong to us 😂

Yeah, my sister and I used to joke that we were going to buy an uninhabited island and declare ourselves a country.

We'd invite people in to see our "ancient" documents, then remind them to take care, as the ink wasn't dry yet. ;-)

Hahhahahhaha.... That's so funny, you make me laugh in this one 😂

I think I ever read somewhere someone already done that and call him self king of something. 😂 I totally forget the details.

Yeah, it's actually been done numerous times in the past, which is what gave my sister the idea. She was the mastermind of that one. ;-)

That looks so fun!

Wah. Rupanya kemarin itu kak Hani ikut juga sama Zian ya

Zian yang bawa raftnya ya? Enggak ingat apa ada yg namanya Zian 😂 maaf udah Tua

hahah..iya, ada ajak kami juga soalnya, tapi gak bisa karena sedang di Banda Aceh

Wow, that looks like an amazing way to spend the afternoon! Thanks for sharing your experience!

It is! You have to do it sometimes 😊

I have always wanted to go rafting! The scenery looks amazing. I want to get back to somewhere like this. So gorgeous!

If you want to go to this kinda place just come to Indonesia, specially Aceh, as this province doesn't have so many population, many places here still super clean and fresh.

Reading your post, it made me remember when my friends and I navigated in this kind of boat in a Peruvian river, It was so incredible. I bet you enjoyed a lot :D

Yep, It was an outstanding experience... I'd like to try it again someday..

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