I Believe the World is Controled by Dark Money Running Corporations who buy off Polititians...also travel and bitcoin updates

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

The following picture is a vendor in Thailand selling tiny portable sewing machines for around $4 CAD - zoom in on picture for incredible detail:

On a lighter note than my title, for Christmas one of my readers started a donation wave to fund third world poor 'Direct to Vendor' by transferring me steem and I will/would convert to local currency and give 100% of the proceeds directly to the poor. We are at around $100.00 CAD donated to date. This cuts out any administration fees most agencies have. It is all about trust and thanks goes to the following for having 100% trust in me to follow through on this:

Thanks you @offgridlife, @tohamy7, @shadflyfilms, @tamurah, @santy, @borgheseglass and @daisyphotography.

The blockchain with bitcoin as its validation token is moving the world to what I like to call 'Computational Trust' as governments, corporations and people lose trust in each other. You can read more on that via this link. The article in the link disputes my assertions and I describe how I see the author is wrong between his writings.

I was alone at Christmas this year as my son is independent now and lives in a different city and I currently am single and chose to be traveling out of country. In such, I was able to have 'two days of Christmas' by going back in time with a time change difference from Hong Kong to Vancouver BC Canada. I left Christmas morning Hong Kong time, spent all of Christmas day wishing many Seasons Greetings in airports and with other passengers on the plane and landed in Vancouver 'again on Christmas day' to spend another whole day of Christmas in Richmond BC (Vancouver) area with other travelers two days of Christmas first time for me!

The following are two displays from two of the airports I went through:
Above Hong Kong International Airport

Below Vancouver International Airport:

The upcoming pension crisis, housing equity valuations and or inflation I described in my last post is very well explained in the YouTube video blog below with David Stockman former Treasurer Secretary to President Ronald Regan:

He expects that a 2% increase in interest rates in one year time frame is very posible and that would mean a $2.5 billion USD in lost profits for corporations...not priced in in current stock and bond valuations with markets at all time records.

I like the following video on the potential allocation of blockchain tokens (bitcoin) into your portfolio to hedge against the revaluation and or inflation David Stockman talks about above:

Talking about dark money in the title of this piece, when I was a young man I read many books on the mob and teamsters union of New York. At that time lots of money was being racketed away to Montreal Canada a jurisdiction out of the DOJ (USA Department of Justice). This money helped fund the few families that own and run Canada. The mob leaders are able to clean their proceeds by buying stocks and bonds and I think has over years becoming the biggest shareholders of the planet encouraging the largest banks etc. to gauge or act with fraud against their customers. Here is an excellent piece from Naomi Prins. She also wrote the book called 'All the Presidents Bankers'. The super rich (dark money) also control the Plunge Protection Team and Exchange Stabilization Fund both of which I believe should not exist in a free market capitalistic world. The people that have such control are not known to the world as they own the media and have the media focus on the single richest people or celebrities. This link shows some of the real power players that have a 1,000% more control than a Warren Buffet or Bill Gates.

I really am enjoying using Steemit to blog and an interesting fact for those who like 'liberty' comparing Facebook to Steemit 'deletion of one comment difference': With FaceBook one staff member or, board of directors or the President Mark Zuckerberg could delete/censor any comment they wanted to. With Steemit the creator has 30 days to edit then it is etched in as read only and cannot be changed without the 1,000 witnesses voting for a code change and all would be transparent for everyone to see. A huge difference the blockchain is bringing to the world. I encourage you to open an account on Steemit and start creating some content.

Please follow me here by bookmarking and do note I will be engaged and thanking people in the comment section to encourage entertaining the readers with funny gifs. Should you comment more than once on this blog please edit your first comment as it seems I am attracting spammers by up-voting too many of em. I am encouraging you to call them out and for the spam police to flag these dudes and I have been marking their user names down to avoid up-voting them.

Also, remember to up-vote or donate to the above cause - tiss Christmas! Season Greetings to all of you!



I appreciate your new rules for your followers and I believe you support creative people.
This is little gift for you. Happy new year advance sir.....
Sir I make this gif specially for you and it's so much hard job for me but you don't appreciate me. I know you don't want those people who submit more and more comments but sir I'm your fan and I try my best for make you happy And always I try to do something different from others. It's ok sir every one think he/she is special but reality is different. Sir if you think disturbed you then ok this is my last comment next time I don't disturbed you any more.

Sir I have not so money like others. I send a small contributions for your donation box...

Awesome post you are really good man your upvotes shows God bless you

Amazing post Mr @greenman Blockchain is awesome RESTEEMED and shared in the facebook group And thanks for the catalytic support

working hard,,,,,,very good post sir.you ARE an inspiration to all of us.
go @greenman........

sir ur work is great and i appriciate ur start charity..its my 1st coment and i dont like spam and coment again and again. therfor not think that my feelings are dumy like all those spamers who comenting u again and again on a single post...and to start with these sewing machines is also perfect to help them not money help them to giive work and job

Amazing and very interessing post thank you for sharing
resteemed and shared in the steemit

Thank you for your resteem...you will love my next post with more on 'Direct to Vendor' charity during holiday season.

Thanks Mr Hunter and Dr Stockman,frustratingly enlightening.
"Doomsterism"is the name of the game when you analyse truthfully government numbers.However,the lies and deceit vomiting from government makes the numbers a piece of art,from these numbers we are well aware that the conclusion to all of this is the collapse of the economy.Like all empires,the collapse occurs outside first,so those of us in Europe and the UK can expect a lot of pain,with Japan,China and Asia in for a painful turmoil.Meanwhile,the "smart"money is fleeing the confines of cronyism and nepotism that is Europe and the UK and fleeing to the USA major capped stocks in the DOW,hence its soar away prices for now.
Here in the UK our economy sucks for us real life peasants.Royalty and government have a pretend Christmas full of largesse for them,we are expected to have significantly less.Those in supermarkets know they will have a lot of Christmas fare left on their shelves come December 26th.Attempts at jollity from these same supermarkets are a sick, joke of consumerism which leaves the peasants out,it will indeed be an interesting event to see what lies on the other side of this insanity. @greenman

I'm looking forward to our next post.

The future will bring us clearity in these cases, clearity to all the people. The revolution of information is the best opportunity we had since ever. May the force be with us :D

The big money is shaking the bitcoin tree to scare the little money away so they can own all the bitcoin. It is called pump and dump happened 7 times in 2017. If you hold you will be rewarded with record highs for the rest of your life. Sell at those record highs to pay for your overhead when needed.

This comment will soon be etched as 'read only' in the steemit blockchain and here for future generations to see that I was correct hundreds of years from now if not thousands. I consider myself a futurist. Some would consider me arrogant.

I read this below. You are not arrogant, some should won't be able to understand the futures way. I'm sure we will go on.

But to get back on the question below, if you would have to give a number, we will end with in 2018 BTC Price. What would it be?


I would guess it will be at least 2-4 times its current price. Total guess but it is the blockchain I trust for long term survival and should be extremely strong over the next few years even if another crypto moves into a bigger market share holding.

Oh, i see i missed your answer my friend. Thanks, that you found the time to answer, even there are 300+ comments on your posts. Awesome!

So 2-4 times, let's see what the future will bring to us. I'm looking for the long-term survival, too. But since I'm a fan of the singularity hypothesis, i think we will see big movements in this year. My bet would be around 85k USD each btc.

I am so glad I stumbled onto your post last week. This is the second post of yours that I am reading up! Thank your very much for your tremendous kindness and good intention to help the poor and underprivileged. Thank for sharing your thoughts and concerns with us and passionate drive to make the world a happier place for so many people!

Lots of people are on their own during Christmas and the New Year celebrations, including you, me and others. Life can suck some of the days, but there are also days when the sun shines beautifully.

Happy year to you all ...2018

Thank you @greenman for continuous support and wish you happy year

I give this photo.upvote and resteemed now.thanks

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