How to Move and Explore Regardless of how I Feel - Day 5 Travel Blog

in #travel7 years ago


View from the top of the farm property, i hang out here for a bit to break up my run, they built a house look out and you can sit and get out of the sun #mountainview #run #farmlife

Day 5

Today I started my day making eggs and doing computer work while eating breakfast. I woke up in a bit of a low energy experiencing myself to be just feeling not myself, so I did some forgiveness and I have found the best way to move through this energy after self forgiveness is to get up and do something physical, I decided to go for a run. It had been cloudy, but as I started off it got sunny and a bit hot. I run the horse fields along the property line and the group here has put a nice sitting area at the top of the property on a hill over looking everything and into the distance is a nice mountain view. All the horses were out and it was all and all a lovely run. I tracked it and it is just about a mile distance I run, which is good enough for me. After some stretches, I went to the pool and relaxed and cooled off.

I didn’t have much planned for the rest of the day until Cesar came along. He needed some help and then I ended up playing and hanging with him for most of the afternoon. So I enjoyed it. We went on the jungle gym, played with his legos, jumped on the trampoline, and went swimming. So it was eventful. I for myself was practicing being here, present, and enjoying myself which was moving from the inner voices and thoughts that can trigger into possessions, letting go of the thoughts if they came up and living words. This is like a physical internal movement like moving yourself to get out of bed while equally I was externally moving around with him. So it is interesting because even with all the movement we were doing around the farm, I also was equally moving and changing within myself physically, constantly checking and adjusting my self in who I am, cross-referencing with those around me and my internal movements, observing, and also interacting physically with him and seeing what comes through.

I also observed some mother programming coming through, though I have kept up a lot with the parenting interviews and blogs shared by Cesar’s parents Leila and Gian, and also other’s in the group, where I indeed have learned and was able to apply some of the knowledge shared. This for instance not going into fear when Cesar did something out of the ordinary where I within myself heard my own parents voicing yelling at me in the past in similar ways, so I had to breath through those moments and allow Cesar to explore the space and himself within it, and also guide him with a calm voice in a way of showing him what the consequences are to his actions and prevent as much as possible him being harmed or harming others. Though also allowing him the freedom to explore what he was busy with as to not limit his expression in who he is in those moments.

I also walked around the earth haven projects with Gian late in the afternoon to see what is busy developing and growing as they indeed are hard at work moving these projects along, getting fruit tree centers prepared, the eco-tunnel up and functioning where planned veggies and herbs are going to be housed and cared for, and he showed me some support they need on some projects I will be busy with for my stay. I also am quite aligned to this earth/self work and really enjoy it myself, so I am grateful for the opportunity to be here and support and learn from him and the others involved.

The night was low key and a cool thing about the community set up is that each person takes a night to cook a meal, so you get really good home cooked meals everyday, which is needed after a day of activity in the farm enviroment. So it’s a time saver and a delicious meal usually :) I will share more on my observations of the community set up because it does have some tough points as well to consider. More to come in my journey here at the desteni farm.

Thanks for following along.


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