A Long Journey Has Ended - A New One to Begin - Day 2

in #travel7 years ago

Photo Info:
Smallish town in SA I flew into, the land range is quite different in this area compared to Johannesberg, this one having small flat type mountains and valleys. Where jo'berg was much flatter and dryer. Rain is def needed here. And After a long trip i made it :) #SA #travelblogger #needrain @earth_haven_project

Day 2

I woke up at 10:30pm from a nap in Qatar and got on a 2:45am flight to Johannesburg, this flight was going to be 8 hours, and I have to admit I was quite tired when i landed. Though, the traveling itself went quite smooth and everyone seemed to be quite pleased with their coming and goings throughout the whole trip. I noticed for myself that based on the point of who i am within myself, whether i was in some sort of reaction or I was more calm, this would determine the way I saw the people around me and in turn how I interacted with them. This making sense of course because who you are is what you create. So I pushed myself to move into states of myself that were calm, accepting, and in a way ready to support or converse if the opportunity opened up with another, always using the tools of support being self forgiveness and living words. I found my mind could be quite busy at times especially because I was alone and constantly on the go, so these tools of support where excellent in these times. I pushed myself to talk to people and be friendly, which is indeed a push mostly, but once i do it it seems to flow quite fine. And I also like it cause i get to learn about others and how they perceive and see the world, which can be highly interesting and enjoyable.

Gian was there at the airport to fetch me just like he said haha, I would never doubt him :) And we found that one of my suitcases didn't make it to the final destination, we sorted it out with a gentleman at the booth and if all goes well it will be here sometime this weekend.

I got to the farm and it was how I remembered it as I have been here a few times, though with some great updates they have developed and worked hard on to support those here and many others to come. I met all of the people here and said hello and gave hugs, which was most appreciated. I ended up just falling asleep because I was quite jet lagged and woke up to some delicious dinner! I did not yet explore the property though I for sure will and share any insights I have along the way with some photos so you all can see this beautiful spot as well.

One point I observed when I arrived on the farm itself is that there has been a maturing happening, i did see this within myself yes, but also with many points on the farm, this all makes sense of course because time has gone by yet there was more an experience of self responsibility coming through. Meaning people are exemplifying it here, which is cool as the more we all can stand within self responsibility and walk the necessary internal and external change required to change self, this will in turn speed up and support the process in this world to do the same. This was my observation anyway of my first impression of the farm, a lot of the pups are older and there is some new additions, so it's been fun to see it all again. This maturing and standing within self responsibility for who one is is discussed at length in many different series in eqafe.com, especially the latest interviews coming out now, so check out the site if you are interested. More to come on this.

Have a good night.

Source: http://forum.desteni.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=8309