Steemits First Top 5 Places to Visit Before You Die List

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

The world is filled with amazing places. One day we hope to visit them all. Until then, we can make great lists of all the places we would like to end up someday. Here is our current Top 5 list.

5. The Maya Ruins in the Yucatan Peninsula

Image Credit:Daniel Schwen

This is located in southern Mexico, and was once the center of the Mayan Civilization. While many places in Mexico are considered extremely dangerous because of the ongoing drug-war, the Yucatan remains relatively safe. With beautiful local beaches, great cuisine, and affordable prices. This makes our Top 5 List.

4. The Taj Mahal

Image Credit:Shikhar Sharma

The Taj Mahal, located in Agra, India, was built in the early 17th century. The area of India is called the "Golden Tourist Triangle" made up of the cities Agra, Delhi, and Jaipur. Tourists can find great local attractions, and cheap amenities. However, caution is advised because of current political unrest.

3. Stonehenge

Image Credit: Operarius

No one really knows how long Stonehenge has been there, it just always has, at least as far back as our written history goes. Archaeologists say that Stonehenge may have been erected on a much older site. There are many theories of what could make this particular location desirable. One thing that everyone can agree on is, looking at Stonehenge gives you a sense of wonder and amazement. Stonehenge is located in England, so be prepared for moderately expensive lodging and travel.

2. The Forbidden City

Image Credit: Ronnie Macdonald

The Forbidden City is located in Beijing, China. The Forbidden City acted as an Imperial Palace for almost 500 years. It now is currently a museum, and tourist attraction. Beijing is home to some of the greatest night-life and cuisine on the continent. People on most any budget can find activities and lodging. Beijing and the Forbidden City make our list at #2.

1. The Giza Pyramid Complex

Image Credit: Diego Delso

Number 1 on our list is the Great Pyramids of Egypt. One of the greatest examples of early civilization, some areas of the pyramids have still been left unexplored. Egypt has moderately priced lodging and travel. The United States travel Bureau currently lists Egypt as a danger zone. Please use caution if planning a trip.

This is an original article by @frankjones on


Macchu picchu too

I've been to Stonehenge atleast. The Maya ruins would be next on my list.

I would love to visit all of these places. I think piramids #1 mayan ruins #2 stonehenge #3.

good top! good job.

Angor watt has to be on the list

Where Rapa nui easter island , i always wanted to go there . hopefully one day i can visit rapa nui .

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