Nice photos! It looks sunny and absolutely gorgeous over there. Plus, Greek food has its fame. I notice you managed to include a lamp post :-)
I have always wanted to see Greece, especially Delphi and the island of Thera. Thera had a bronze-age civilization that ended suddenly, when a volcano literally exploded. The island(s) that remain are in a ring shape, centered around the caldera.
Too fun with the lamp post...I have others:)
I had no idea about Delphi, thanks!
Delphi is interesting, but that's on the mainland. It was an ancient shrine that was supposedly able to predict the future. The site is still breathakingly beautiful, up in the mountains, with columns and a great view.
Thera, the volcanic island disaster, is just amazing. In an art history class, we spent about a month on that island alone. Some of the artwork and sculptures wouldn't look out of place in a contemporary art museum. It's also where the "minotaur" is thought to have come from. Thera was the center of the Minoan civilization.
Greece is so full of fascinating history and archaeological sites, though that can be said of most of Europe, I suppose. They recently discovered a bronze-age "city" near a little village in southeastern Spain.
Wow! And crazy they are still discovering artifacts. While in old Corinth museum, I was scolded at least 2x’s by workers onsite. Once was because I was about to take a photo of 2 full small skeletons complete with what appeared to be guards. They did not allow photos because they had not made it public yet.
Awww! Those would have been cool to see! I bet that museum was amazing. You need a sneakier camera option :-)
On a completely unrelated tangent, I've never done a piercing, but I did consider making a little silver skelilton dangling by a manacle, when I took an art metals class as an undergrad.
haaaa next time...hopefully they won't remember me.