in #travel6 years ago

As I told already million times that Goa is a magical place...I want to repeat it again, Goa is a magical place, because every single wish or wonder or even a deepest thought is becoming real, slowly, but real.



Our adventure started after the minute we saw a poster in one of Telegram groups that in one Surf Cafe guys are planning to watch a movie about surfing and show a little informative presentation about waves and boards, so we thought we should go and as we wanted to surf in Goa long time ago, this was our chance, because if it's a Surf Cafe then there should be a lot of surfers.


The owners of the cafe were waiting right next to the bar and when we came I felt such a positive and openhearted energy that I wanted to hug all those guys. After greeting each other , we went to a movie hall and the guy started a presentation, everything what he told and explained was so interesting to hear and learning something new is always good.


After a presentation we watched a movie and then we thought that we need to speak with guys, how they are so cool :))) A nice couple who came to Goa 2 years ago for 2 weeks of their honeymoon and now they are surfing instructors and they are loving all the surfing thing. Inspiring, huh? :)

We told them our situation, that we really want to surf and if there would be a free time for them tomorrow we would join. They said, no problem friends, come and we will teach you.

Yan suddenly wished for a smoothie and wanted to call a waiter, probably, he didn't realize that he was in the sea :D


As soon as we hear the alarm clock we woke up, had a breakfast and left our home. Guys were waiting for us with a big smile and that day started absolutely wonderful.


'Take a position, look forward, stand up, relax and what is more important, enjoy.' This is how our surfing class started and we had to take this sentence as a mantra during our surfing.


After 15 minutes of theory on the sand we finally made it to the sea. That day was perfect for waves, one after another we surfed more then we expected, our funny instructor made the whole thing more interesting and more fun. In one hour we surfed about 6-8 waves, like the proper beginners should :D



For 1 hour class we paid 45$ per person and we could surf one extra hour without an instructor.


Exactly one year ago we were in Spain and did surfing as well and then it felt so new and feelings were mixed, in a good way. If we are talking about now, then i can tell that it felt more fun, we already knew what's ahead and there wasn't a question - HOW? Now we could enjoy it more and understand our mistakes, which is important when you learn.



After one hour we had a little break and then me and Yan tried to surf one more time, but without an instructor. Well, not everything is possible :D We couldn't catch the wave for a long time and paddling was a problem as well, cuz we weren't used to it and got tired in 20 minutes and when you get tired you get angry and we don't need to be angry so we decided it's enough for today.


What I like about surfing is the flow and the thought that you are on the wave, I can compare it to life...when you are on the wave in your life, you feel good, not that you are under it, right? It's a new way how to get energy surge.
After 2 hours of surfing we were tired in a healthy way and having a lunch after surfing felt like the best thing in the world.



Now we are looking forward to take more surfing lessons, maybe not here in Goa, because it's a bit expensive for the budget travelers, like us. The administrator told us that there is one cheaper surf club in Kerala state, definitely gonna visit them sooner or later.


Aloha guys, have a wonderful day, hope you liked our post :)

Thanks for reading!



Extreme Romance


Looks like a ton of fun!
So GOA is the place to go.
I was searching for a good surfing place a few weeks ago :D
And I like your content.
I'll make sure to follow you.
My content is also about living life... But currently a bit less from a travelers perspective.
I think you'll like it. So feel free to check it out :D

Oh it is fun and waves here in Goa are perfect for beginners,but if you go to Bali, 4-5 meters waves will knock you out , haha.

Thank you and we will check your profile! :)

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf...

I think when a surfer becomes a surfer, it's almost like an obligation to be an environmentalist at the same time...

Can't agree more! You are absolutely right.

thanks mate hv a good day 😊

For no doubts its really an Extreme Romance, even starting from the bottom image, ah, how romantic is that, sitting on beach side the "Goa", surfing on the waves and both of you, all just amazing. You guys rocking.

Thaaank you so much! It means a lot to hear something like this! :)

Really dug this beginners lessons perspective to a day of surf~ trying now to get our 6 year old on waves on Oahu~ raising him here it's more than walking to surf- hahaha! Sometimes he's better than Kelly Slater (haha, he says) and others he gets frustrated and it's time to shift gears to meals and other games cause it's all about having fun right!? Cheers, can't wait to see your next surf adventures:)

Allow me to quote from your words I liked most of your posts ..... This sentence really made me think about surfing ... I enjoyed and benefited from your article so much thank you

What I like about surfing is the flow and the thought that you are on the wave, I can compare it to life...when you are on the wave in your life, you feel good, not that you are under it, right? It's a new way how to get energy surge.

Thank you! We're glad that you enjoyed our post and that you started to think about surfing.. We think you totally should try it :)

I really, really like that last image! Surfing looks like a lot of fun, too! It looks so nice and warm, there... And, now, I really miss palm trees.

Very nice photos and enjoy the surfing!


Wow what a wonder! Surfing is dancing with the waves. Surfing is one of the few sports in which you have to look forward to see what's behind. Surfing is almost a way to fly

We absolutely agree with you! It is a very special kind of sport! Have you tried surfing ?

Only twice, I live in a place that does not see much surfing.

I love the photographs you are an excellent photographer, he captures the essence!

I am a little afraid of the sea, because of the amount of water, and also because I do not know how to swim, but I hope someday to learn, and also to experience surfing, it looks very funny

Thank you for your comment! If you want to learn something, you have to try it again and again, until you learn. We will be glad to hear from you once you learn all those thing and tell us about your experience.

And did you thought about try somethung another instead surfing? Maybe diving or cliff diving? What do you think about it?

We are beginners in surfing so it's still something new for us. Diving and cliff diving is in our bucket list as well, would like to explore the world in many ways :)

Then I understand you, new hobbies always capture. Especially when there is an ocean of waves and a sea of opportunities to learn something new. Have Great time!

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