Explore Romania: How Michael Jackson made a mistake speaking to them

in #travel7 years ago

My second home for the last two years and the country, that raises immediate happiness in my heart - R O M A N I A

#Bucharest - the capital of Romania has the world's second-largest administrative building - their parliament.
Their king back then wanted to build the biggest building ever, so Romania would be known in the world. In order to build it, the constructors literally were moving the churches, living houses what were on the way. They were moving them using the trains ( I saw the photos)


The Romanian Parlamient - second largest building in the world


Get to visit the Parliament in my last week in Romania

Ironically, the king died few years before it was fully built and Michaell Jackson was the first celebrity to visit that building.

Michael Jackson was giving the speech and he said: “It is so great to see you all here in #Budapest!

Well now is when I share few lessons I learned after a living year and a half in Romania.

  • Romanians hate when you bring up the topic of gypsy (they are not there or least you will see them almost never)
  • **And they for sure hate when people mistakenly say Budapest instead of Bucharest (learn geography)

So Michael Jackson was in the heart of those people, who listened to his speech.

Apart from this funny part, I want to share a bit about my experience of living in Romania:

Romanians are one of the smartest people I met and one of the fast adaptive people I have worked and lived with.

And Romania will always have a special place in my heart, forever.
In a nutshell, how I describe it: Fourteen months living in Romania. More than ten Romanian cities experienced. Five national AIESEC conferences delivered. Four European countries visited. Over 1,300 cross-cultural exchanges approved. One love story written. Countless friendships made. Eleven teammates to say goodbye to.

I would really love to share each of this experiences separately throughout the next few weeks and today want to focus on Romania as a country with all its amazing nature.
I got the chance to move to Bucharest for more than a year and lead the student exchange program together with another ten awesome individuals from all over the world.

I knew literally nothing when I was moving to Romania, not even some stereotypical things. All I knew, that I am going to volunteer there and do my best at work.

Man, setting low expectations is always a good idea.
Because look at this beauty:


By the way, this is my best friend in the picture, who I met in Romania :P
We were visiting the Sibiu city


Night Oradea - the town in the north of Romania


The famous Dracula Castle is behind us


Black Sea, just three hours drive from Bucharest. Best place to go in summer


The city Galati located in the Moldovan part of the country


Got the birthday gift - the trip to the Moldovan part of the country to see the Painted Monastery

Honestly, to describe the beauty and diversity of Romania the words will not be enough, the pictures also, I would love to answer any questions and share more and would really encaurage you to travel to that magical place when you have the chance.

As always, thanks for being with me.

Specials thanks for your time and likes.



Never been to Romania but I'm so keen to explore it!

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