From Bandung to Jakarta, "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin Release My Homesickness "

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian fellow..


Tiga hari sudah saya dan teman-teman berada di kota Cimahi dalam perhelatan 1st KSI National Meetup, tibalah hari ini untuk berpisah dengan rekan-rekan seperjuangan. Ada banyak cerita mulai dari perjalanan,penyambutan dan perhelatan akbar itu di postingan kawan-kawan hampir seluruh Indonesia dan itu semua terekam jelas dalam blockchain. Pagi ini saya dan teman-teman memutuskan meninggalkan kota Cimahi,meski berat hati mengingat Villa Negla sari merupakan tempat istirahat yang menyenangkan bersama para steemian Indonesia, namun kami semua harus berpisah hari ini di sini di kota Cimahi, Teruntuk tetehku @mariska.lubis terima kasih sekali kehangatan persaudaraan untuk kami semua, salam rindu selalu.

Three days already I'm and my friends were in Cimahi, West Java in the event of 1st KSI National Meetup, today the part it was the time to be separated with colleagues. There are many stories ranging from travel, welcoming and grand event was in posted friends almost all of Indonesia and it is all recorded clearly in blockchain. This morning my friends and I decided to leave the Cimahi town, although heavy hearted considering Villa Negla sari is a nice resting place with Indonesian steemian, but we all have to split up today here in Cimahi town, for my sister @mariska.lubis thank you very much, the warmth of brotherhood for all of us, best wishes always.

Saya dan @my451r memutuskan untuk berangkat ke Ibukota (Jakarta) terlebih dulu sebelum kembali ke Aceh paska 1st KSI National Meetup, di acara meetup nasional kebetulan saya dan @my451r bertemu dengan @rezasofyan (Kami memanggilnya Raja ubiet dikarenakan tubuh beliau yang sedikit lebih berkembang dari teman-teman steemian lainnya), pemuda Aceh yang telah lama merantau ke Ibukota ini mengajak kami boarding di Jakarta saja, sekalian bisa menikmati suasana Ibukota dan bisa membantunya menjelaskan steemit kepada teman-teman dekatnya di jakarta sebelum berangkat pulang ke Aceh sumatra.

I and @my451r decided to go to Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia) first, before returning to Aceh after 1st KSI National Meetup, at the national Meetup event by chance, I and @my451r met with @rezasofyan (We call him Raja ubiet because his body is slightly more good size than other steemian friends), Acehness youth who have long been migrating to the capital city invites us boarding in Jakarta, All can enjoy the atmosphere of the Capital and can help explain steemit to his close friends in Jakarta before leaving for Aceh Sumatra.

Perjalanan dari kota Bandung ke Ibukota kami memilih menggunakan bis antar kota dalam provinsi, pukul 12.15 wib saya dan @rezasofyan serta @my451r tiba di terminal Leuwi Panjang terminal bus kota Bandung, beda dengan di kota saya berdomisili bila ingin bepergian keluar kota kita harus memesan tiket terlebih dahulu, disini saya tidak perlu memesan tiket, penumpang hanya perlu mencari tempat duduk di dalam bus, bila masih kosong anda bisa berangkat dan sudah penuh anda tinggal menunggu bus berangkat selanjutnya.

The trip from Bandung to the capital city, We chose to use intercity bus in the province, at 12:15 I, @my451r @rezasofyan and some steemian friends arrived at the terminal Leuwi Panjang Bandung bus terminal, not such as in the city I live, if you want to travel we have to order tickets first, here I do not need to book a ticket, passengers just need to find a seat on the bus, if it is empty you can leave and already full you just wait for the bus to leave next.






Kebetulan bus pertama sudah penuh penumpang, saya dan teman-teman teman memilih menuju warung padang di pojokan terminal untuk mengisi perut sudah pada lapar, apalagi rute yang ditempuh Bangdung -Jakarta hampir 4 jam bila kondisi jalanan tidak macet.

Incidentally the first bus was full of passengers, my friends and I chose to go to the warung Padang at the corner of the terminal to fill the stomach already on hunger, the route taken Bandung -Jakarta nearly 4 hours when the road conditions are not jammed.

Setelah rehat sejenak bersama sejawat, ARIMBI menjadi bus yang mengantarkan kami ke Ibukota dan kebetulan masih tidak terlalu penuh penumpang tempat duduk masih nyaman bagi saya dan rekan lainnya. sebelum keberangkatan bus seperti biasanya para pedagang jajanan dan oleh-oleh menjajaki dagang nya di dalam bus, berbedanya para pedagang disini diberikan baju khusus sebagai identitas mereka adalah pedagang jajanan, tidak ada pengamen yang masuk ke bus sebelum keberangkatan, tiketnya juga ditagih ketika kita sudah berangkat oleh kernet, tidak ada penumpang yang berdesakan hanya pemilik tempat duduk saja yang ada dalam bus.

After a short break with colleagues, ARIMBI became the bus that drove us to the Capital and incidentally was still not very full of passengers, the seat was still comfortable for me and other colleagues. Before the departure of the bus as usual the hawker merchants and souvenirs to explore his trade on the bus, different traders here given special clothes as their identity are a street vendor, no buskers who get into the bus before departure, the ticket is also billed when we have departed by the Kernet (driver assistance), no passengers are crammed into the only seats on the bus.












Kami berangkat pukul 13.15 wib, perjalanan menuju Ibukota Jakarta masih aman, tidak ada kemacetan dan tiba tepat waktu pukul 16.50 Wib, drop di depan tol Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat kami langsung menuju basecampnya @rezasofyan selaku penguasa daerah sini.

We leave at 01.15 am, the journey to the Capital of Jakarta is still safe, no traffic jams and arrived on time at 04.50 am, drop in front of the Jeruk Kebun toll road, West Jakarta, we go straight to basecamp of @rezasofyan as the ruler of this region.

Malam ini kami ingin menikmati Mie Aceh, sudah tiga hari lidah kami rindu masakan tanoh Indatu @rezasofyan selaku steemian penguasa jabodetabek , langsung menyodorkan "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" sebagai destinasi kuliner malam ini, tanpa menunggu lama @my451r pun sepakat dan Grab pun di undang, jemputan tiba kamipun berangkat menuju tempat dimana kami bisa menikmati kopi Aceh, Mie Aceh, Nasi Goreng Aceh serta martabak telur khas tanoh indatu.

Tonight we want to enjoy Mie Aceh (Culinary of my own hometown), already three days our tongue, missed the ancestral food. @rezasofyan as steemian ruler Jabodetabek, directly handed "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" as a culinary destination tonight, without waiting for long time @my451r agreed and Grab was invited, pick up arrived we went to where we can enjoy coffee Aceh, Mie Aceh, Nasi Goreng Aceh and Martabak (Acehness food in Jakarta)

Hanya dalam hitungan menit kami tiba dilokasi karena masih berada dalam lokasi yang sama di Kebon Jeruk, Warung kong kow santai yang sangat sederhana sekali, tidak ada kesan eksklusif hanya ada dua rak di depan warung (Rak martabak dan rak Mie Aceh seperti layaknya di kampung sendiri) para koki disana langsung menyapa,

"Awak Aceh?"

"Kabetoi bang" (jawab saya sambil bersalaman dan berpelukan)

In just a matter of minutes we arrived at the location because it is still in the same location at Kebon Jeruk, a very simple casual shop, no exclusive impression there are only two shelves in front of the shop (Martabak and Mie Aceh as in the my hometown situation) the chef there greeted directly,


"Absolutely true" (My answer while shaking hands and hug them)










Tidak ada gab antara kami dan mereka para koki di "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin", layaknya bertemu saudara yang jauh dari kampung halaman begitulah suasana "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" malam ini, para pelanggan lainnya sempat memperhatikan gelagat kami yang menggunakan bahasa daerah sambil tertawa ringan santai menikmati suasana melepas rindu akan kampung halaman.

There is no restriction between us and their chefs in "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin", such as meeting relatives who are far from home was the atmosphere of "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" tonight, other customers have noticed the signs we use the local language while laughing lightly relaxed enjoying the atmosphere of "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" release homesickness.

"Mie Nyak Lin" Kebon Jeruk lumayan di kenal di wilayah Jakarta barat, meskipun kesannya warung biasa tanpa kesan eksklusif, parkiran mobil yang sempit sedikit menutupi gerai Mie Aceh ini, namun hal tersebut tidak membuat pelanggan disini sepi, itu terbukti dengan kesibukan para koki memainkan perannya di depan dua dapur Mie Aceh.

"Mie Nyak Lin" Kebon Jeruk is well known in the West Jakarta area, there is no impression of ordinary stalls without the exclusive impression of customers, car parks that little bit of this Mie Aceh, but this is not bad! it is proven by the busyness of the chiefs play his role in front of two kitchen of Mie Aceh.

Saya memesan nasi goreng Aceh, @my45ir @rezasofyan dan beberapa sejawat memesan mie Aceh, untuk minuman saya rindu kopi Aceh, Kopi dingin menambah kenikmatan santap malam bersama sejawat layaknya di kampung sendiri, para koki semakin semangat mendengar cerita kami dalam bahasa daerah tulen, mereka tersenyum seakan berada dikampung halaman, begitu juga kami sesekali mengajak mereka mengobrol dalam bahasa daerah.

I ordered Acehness fried rice, @my45ir @rezasofyan and some colleagues ordered Acehness noodles, to drink, I miss Acehness coffee, Ice coffee adds to the pleasure of dinner with colleagues such as hometown atmostpher, the chefs increasingly excited to hear our stories in the local language, they are smiling as if we were in the hometown, so we occasionally invited them to chat in the local language too.

dilimunanzar-5a89f9ff50be2 (1).jpeg

promo-steem to the chief of Nyak Lin Acehness Noodles

Nah steemian, begitulah cerita perjalanan saya bersama sejawat hari ini, dari Bandung menuju Ibukota dan melampiaskan rindu akan kampung halaman di warung "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" Kebon Jeruk,Jakarta barat-Indonesia.

Well steemian, that's the story of my journey with colleagues today, from Bandung to the Capital and realese homesickness in the "Mie Aceh Nyak Lin" Kebon Jeruk, western Jakarta-Indonesia.

Mie Aceh Nyak Lin, Jakarta-Indonesia



Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


Wow. Indonesian steemians are really active. Glad that the steemit is being promoted around the world.

Now is the best time to join

Thank you for sharing.

Hebat sekali. Rakan2 steemians d Indonesia sangat aktif sekali.
Syukur kerana steemit platform ini sentiasa di promosi kan d serata dunia. Terima kasih atas perkongsian anda.


Thank you for stopping by and have fun @papanog..we are steemian brotherhood, one for All, all for one.. Greeting from Indonesia :)

Great post indeed brother. It such a bless for me to have a chance knowing you and @my45ir further after the meet-up. Hope everything going smooth ly in the future.

Thanks dude, we are steemian.. One for All, all for one..

I go along with you.....

Growth together.. Indonesian Community always there for us.. Keep spirit brotha :)

A good story about Your journey. Travelling with friends makes it even more interesting and exciting. A lot of interesting conversations and pleasant memories. Seeing your smiling faces, we can know that Your business meeting with colleagues was successful. Thank you for sharing.

Hei @madlenfox how are you? Yup you right, This is My first Journey for promo steem in other place, and that awesome.. From Aceh to Jakarta many culture also we met here, Today I want to promo steem in Monas and Tanah abang market, what an Amazing place to showtime?! Ha ha ha ha..

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

My pleasure :)

Really great information nice post thanks for sharing sir...resteemed

Thank you for stopping by and have fun greeting from Indonesia

Suatu momen yang indah dapat bertemu bertukar pikiran dan pengalaman bersama teman-teman steemians.
Saya salut dan sangat bangga dengan niat menjalun tali silahturahmi, sayang saya tidak bisa ikut pertemuan.
Semoga sukses dan semakin jaya.

Benar sekali mas, dan saya sangat berterima kasih kepada, saya bisa bertemu orang orang hebat diplatform ini.. Apa kabarnya mas? Kok ga ikutan ya kemarin mas?

Dum hoe jeut tajak, mie aceh teutap tamita, bereh

Ha ha ha ha.. Tanjoe atjeh chiet beumeusahow meutaloe wareeh bang, njang adat I gampong hanjeut taboeh..

Daftar hadir 8 orang untuk meetup di Langsa bang @bahtiarlangsa beuh.. Langsa kapan.. Langsa kapan.. Langsa kapan meet up bang.. :D

Sudah sampai di Tanoh Indatu bg @dilimunanzar? Kami tunggu di Aceh Timur ya.

Hahaai... Luar biasa bang @dilimunanzar. Pasti perjalanannya sngat seru. Good luck!

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