Trdelnik for Tradeqwik Oh I miss VIVA - #myeuropaplog series 捷克甜點讓我想起誰?-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

People travel to get away from their daily lives. It doesn't matter if the life is good or bad, travelers just need to put everything behind and go ahead experience a whole new world... But sometimes we don't get what we want because human beings have attachment. You might see a little foreign boy running by and start missing your own one at home. You might come across something that reminds you of someone back home. 

I had tried not to think about crypto things during my Europe trip in May. I did use eSteem/Steemit to record my photo log, but I tried to keep it at a minimum. Still, I was reminded again and again due to different things I saw there. 

Today I am going to share with you how I was reminded of my dear friends from VIVA! 

VIVA is an ambitious project that aims to create an VIVAconomy ( @vivacoin ), i.e. an ecosystem built upon the token system of VIVA - Vivacoin, Viva Crowns, vX ... An integral part of the VIVAconomy is its exchange - TradeQwik ( @tradeqwik ). Check the website or white paper shall you get interested.

Okay. When I was visiting Prague. I was forced to remember TradeQwik. Because I saw Trdelnik everywhere!! 

Tradeqwik ... Trdelnik with aqw but no l & n!

You see!? They look so much alike!! So I took photos of Trdeniks everywhere I saw it. I will tell you what that is in a minute. You might say that's how much I love VIVA and its exchange... LOL... 

Now, let me present you .... Trdelniks!!


This is food, a kind of spit cake. The word "trdelník" is of Czech or Slovak origin. I only saw this in Prague, Czech Republic and obviously this is their daily snacks. Just everywhere. It is made from rolled dough that is wrapped around a stick, then grilled and topped with sugar and walnut mix. Sometimes you can have it with ice cream. I like it but only tried once with ice cream. 


VIVA is actually a even more common term used everywhere. I did see it a couple of times like Viva Prague on a badge souvenir ... but did not bother to take photos ... Except I did take one in a Bratislava gas station. :)

Okay. Finish talking about my love for tradeqwik/trdelnik, let me update with you its newest development, which you can check from their official account @tradeqwik. A week ago, TradeQwik has launched its token TQS offering. It is still on now. You can open an account on and participate its ongoing auction. TQS offers the opportunity for you to share the profits generated from the TradeQwik exchange, which is the main pumping heart of the VIVAconomy. By the way, TQS is selling at 5 Vivacoins now, which is about $27... It is likely to reach 8-10 Vivacoins during the coming weekend but I do not guarantee :)

各位中文區朋友,這是我歐洲行旅照片系列的繼續。人們旅行,常常是為了暫時放下自己的原本的生活,去尋找新的刺激與感受。但人是情感的動物,往往旅途上什麼人事物,就會讓你想起自己生活裡的事物。原本我想好好放下幣圈相關事,好好旅遊。但往往,有時候,你還是會想起... 誰呢?:)

這次分享的是捷克的國民點心,我在布拉格四處遊蕩時,老是看到到處都在賣這點心,剛好名字是Trdelnik,跟我熟悉的Tradeqwik很像... 我不禁就想起我參與的這個VIVA項目... 這是一個旨在建立加密貨幣與實體經濟活動連結的雄心項目,基本貨幣是Vivacoin,發幣決定權的Viva Crown,與法幣連結的vX系列... 而其自建交易所就是叫 TradeQwik!這交易所將是推動VIVAconomy的發動器。細節不多說了,看官有興趣可以自己參考 @vivacoin 或是 @tradeqwik白皮書官網也附上。

你看看你看看,到處都是。我沒法只能天天想起我VIVA的夥伴們啊!:)  另外一提,TradeQwik最近在發行販售交易平台的股東代幣 TQS,目前已經賣到 5 Vivacoins 一顆了... 大概27刀吧,不便宜(但下一檔價格目前已經到了8 Vivacoins了...@@),只是提供訊息給你參考... 還是下次到布拉格買點 Trdelnik 吃比較划算?:)

Last post for #myeuropaplog series 

[Luxury Hotel Series] 🏩 Intercontinental Budapest 🏩 The Room - #myeuropaplog series 布達佩斯洲際酒店-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列


Haha viva and tradeqwik are haunting you, it's hard not tho think about them though it's all that's in my mind recently, just can't wait for the roll out of the different platforms that are coming. Most promising startup in a long time!

Go go VIVA Go!! Thanks fellow Crown Holder! ;)

Trdelník looks tasty, I would like to try some!

I am a VIVA crownholder so I expect to be able to travel around Europe in the coming years as I enjoy my VIVA profits. I'll look for the Trdelník when I'm there!

Thanks Kenny the fellow crown holder! Maybe when one day TradeQwik/VIVA is to have a real store to promote this system, we can serve Trdelník there... LOL...

Yeah people need time to travel so we can view current lifestyle and living place from different angle and it is very helpful if current state should be appreciate or improvement if need.

You will never find better trdelnik than Skalický trdelník.

The production of trdelník has a long tradition in the Slovak town of Skalica near the borders with Czech Republic. The original recipe was brought to Skalica at the end of the 18th century by the Transylvanian cook József Gvadányi, a retired Hungarian general. The original recipe was later improved by the inhabitants of Skalica to its final form now known as Skalický trdelník.
The civil association Skalický trdelník was founded at the end of 2004 with the goal of keeping the tradition of the original open fire Trdelník production. The name trdelník comes from trdlo (originally a wooden tool for pounding or stamping materials in a stoupa, a hollowed-out log), the wooden stake the cake is wrapped around for cooking which gives it its traditional hollow shape.ík

Přesně tak! :D

Bohužel nemohu lepek ;)

kedysi som ani ja nemohol :) ani mlieko..viem, ako sa citis

@deanliu, Trdelnik is original from Hungary. And at teaste is similar with Italian panetone.

Really? How come I didn't see one in Budapest? Maybe I just missed. Thanks for the info.

Yes, I think it's name is Kurtos in Hungarian, but I'm not sure.

I love traveling ...ur post is inspiration for me

Glad to hear that. :)

I'd put everything behind just for that giant ice cream!

Travel more and gain experience. Life is short

I'm glad you liked our city!

My honor to visit your home. :)

Oh thank you! :) That's so nice!

It is so difficult to switch off your brain from the daily uses like the internet, crypto and so on... it follows you everywhere!

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