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RE: New York Adventure So Far

in #travel7 years ago

Looks like a whole lot of fun. NYC is such a great place to hang out. Only been there once to chase large beetles around the city for awhile. But it was a real trip. Meeting the fun and energetic New Yorker's. Have fun, and stay warm.


ok I've got to know more about this mission to chase large beetles around the city! sounds like a good story

It was a real fun story. Part of a five week job doing my part to rid NYC of the Asian Longhorn Beetle. A losing proposition last I heard.

I wrote a short (dds NOT short!) post about it quite awhile ago, but have wanted to expand it to encompass more of the small-time, major adventures I had while there. (Those simple, 'best times' of life). A many-part series to craft...when I can get to it. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of photos to go along. Hence, some very minor-league artwork is required. Which REALLY slows down the process.

It was truly a hoot while there, wandering the Big Apple and meeting the locals. We had a whole lot of fun together.

Well, that's probably about 4 paragraphs more on THAT subject than you wanted to wade through on a Friday AM, but seems to be a road I take now and then. Though it IS the 3rd Friday in February. So we've got that.

Here is the post, if you want to check it out. (I usually don't tag my stuff in other's posts/comments, unless they ask ( :
Love and Loss In NYC

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