Prague/Czech Republic - Thursday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!
WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT
Hello fellow Steemians,
I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.
The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.
Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.
There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @jamesqube:
Prague. This picture with the typical red tram is on the street corner at "Narodni Divadlo" (National Theater) It was a bit later and the street lights were just turned on. In the background is the Prague Castle.
Click on the image for a large view
I rewarded @jamesqube winning entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other entries.
Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!
Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.
7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #30 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!
ColorChallenge - Orange Tuesday - @vcclothing in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
CEO & Founder of CGH

The National Museum in Prague is by far the most famous and visited museum in the country but it is not the oldest one. The oldest museum of the Czech Republic is the Silesian Museum in Opava that was founded as early as in 1814, four years earlier than the Prague museum. The Silesian Museum currently houses almost 2.5 million items, making it the third largest museum in the country.
Hmm, very interesting. What a great place of interest to be featured today.
Thank you, I feel honored! :)
Photo of the typic red roofs of the Prague neighborhood known as Malá Strana (or Lesser Town).
They have a quite interesting patterns, and their architecture is mainly Baroque style. I took this photo from the hill where the Castle is located.
hey @czechglobalhosts,
Tomorrow comes a post from my trip to Prague a week ago, we had super nice weather and very good eaten. One of the pictures shows the tower Prašná brána (in german Pulver Turm) , and the other a beer advertisement of a restaurant
Looks like you had a fab time. I am glad to see that:)
The Czech Republic is always worth a visit, not just Prague
The ruins of Děvičky Castle lie on top of the Pálava Hills. From where is a beautiful view of the surroundings. The first mention of the castle dates from 1222. After that it often changed the owner. The most important rebuilding took place in 1529 as a strengthening of defense if the Turks succeeded in recharging Vienna. Then he burned several times and was subsequently abandoned.
I love that place. Great views from up there.
Český Krumlov is from my point of view the most beautiful Czech town, its historical streets and the castle as a dominant makes me more historical feeling even than Old Prague. If you will visit Český Krumlov, definetely don’t forget to visit the castle!
The metronome is a beautiful place to look out to the city. It looks right in to Old town. You can see a lot of the famous Old Town landmarks from there. It is also a great place to just sit and watch over the moving city.
Loreta Bell Tower.

This is the house of Mary of Nazareth.
I took a photo from loreta's backyard. Loreta's location is in the hradcany area. Its location is not far from Praha castle.
One interesting thing about loreta is that 27 bels rings every hour and the sound is really good.
Great image. Thank you for sharing. Tomas
For me, Prague is strongly associated with a fairy tale. Some kind of everything is puppet, toy and incredibly beautiful. In the Prague Castle, an incredible number of attractions, you need to spend the whole day on their inspection. There are royal palaces, basilicas, cathedrals, and exhibitions / museums. It is certainly difficult to describe what you saw. So you need to go and watch! Believe it is not forgettable ....
Jánský Vrch is situated in the town of Javorník in north Moravia on the border with Poland. The first record of the castle dates back to 1307 when Prince Bolko I of Svidnice (Poland) is mentioned as its owner. Its design, size and colors make it one of my favorite castles. I recommend you visit it!
The impenetrable fortress of the Central Massif of Bohemia (České středohoří).
To the northwest of Bohemia, on top of a hill near Litoměřice, there are two towers, one is called Bíla (white) and the other Černá (black). They are the remains of a castle that, during the stormy Middle Ages, was the mansion of important families of the nobility and shelter of valuable religious articles. But, even abandoned, it is still popular; in romantic novels attracted by the atmosphere of the ruins. Let it also inspire you ...