Let me start this blog saying that my friends and I decided to make this amazing trip, and that our emotions were so hyped even four months before. All we were thinking about was the great time that we were about to experience, hanging out, living the nightlife, enjoying the beaches, culture, history, you name it.
Déjame comenzar con esto, mis amigos y yo decidimos hacer este super viaje con nuestras emociones altas 4 meses antes de viaje. Con eso en mente, imaginen la exaltación, Teniendo un buen tiempo de fiestas, playas, nueva cultura, sus historias, etc.
Lets start with Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸
As soon as we arrived, we took a cab 🚕 to visit the Gothic Quarter area. This is a SPECTACULAR place; there are so many spots to hang out, shopping areas, sightseeing historical places and everything within walking distance which is important. The nightlife was great, lots of nightclubs and bars. I think that 90% of the people around are tourists.
Tan pronto llegamos, tomamos un taxi de camino al area del “Cuarto Gótico” . Amigos el area es ESPECTACULAR para salir, comprar, y ver históricas estructuras en tan pocos pasos, es BIEN importante. La vida nocturna es buena con muchos bares y clubes. Creo que el 90% de las personas son turistas.
Visited places
Güell Park: a must go
You will have to take the train from the Gothic Quarter to get here, is far but so worth it. When you finally get there is so relaxing 😌 there is so much to walk, you’ll see people selling stuff on every corner. Is the time to BARGAIN, if you have read my other blogs you must know that I love doing that!! 😬. The whole park is a piece of art, and you will enjoy it.
Tienes que tomar el tren desde el area Gótica. Es un poquito lejos pero vale la pena. Cuando llegues al parque encontraras que tendrás q caminar un poco y veras muchos comerciantes en cada esquina. Puedes NEGOCIAR, y si has leído mis blogs anteriores sabras que me gusta eso 😁. El parque entero es una pieza de arte, lo disfrutaras.
Barcelona Beach 🏝
This is a great area to stay all day long: beachfront restaurants, many beach sports to practice, great long sidewalks, this is what I call a chill out place.
Excelente area para estar todo el día: restaurantes frente a la playa, deportes playeros, largo paseo para caminar, esto es lo que llamo tremendo pasadía de relajación.
La Sagrada Familia
Impressive masterpiece!!! If you want to enjoy this stop, I recommend for you to start walking from a far distance, as you get closer you will appreciate every beautiful and elaborated detail.
impresionante obra maestra, si de verdad quieres disfrutarlo, te recomiendo que camines desde la distancia para que aprecies lo hermoso y lo elaborado q esta la catedral.
La Rambla
Is IMPERATIVE to walk through La Rambla. In my opinion, a morning walk around the avenue is the best, it will fill you up with a great vibe; there are so many things to see, so many kiosks, restaurants, stores, and beautiful people. Eating and drinking was my favorite thing to do here.
es REQUERIDO caminar por la Rambla. Caminar por la avenida por la mañana es lo mejor, te llena de buena vibra. Hay muchas cosas que ver, kioscos, restaurantes, tiendas y gente linda. Comer y beber son las mejores cosas q puedes hacer aquí.
La Boqueria Market
Hell yeah, get ready to eat like a pig 🐽 🤤. EXPENSIVE JAM, meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, sweets, drinks, you name it. Good stuff and all fresh!
Claro que si, estamos ready para comer como puerco/marrano/cerdo 🐽😂. Jamón ibérico (SUPER CARO), carnes, mariscos , pescados, frutas, vegetales, dulces, bebidas, en fin... Buenos productos y frescos.
Plaza Real
This is a very popular site. There is a lot of tourists in this area. There are a great selection of restaurants and a great day/night atmosphere.
Stop by and have a MOJITO. 🙌🏼
Esta plaza en bien popular. Hay muchos turistas en esta area. Tienen una gran selección de restaurantes y el ambiente de día y noche es buenísima. Por favor, pidan un MOJITO cuando pasen por ahi 🙌🏼
Clubs Recommendations
Clubs are expen$ive, but partying all night long is granted:
Los siguientes clubes son bien costosos, pero van a fiestar toda la noche:

Next stop: Ibiza, Spain
Well, this is definitely the perfect spot for “hardcore” party people and some relaxing time at the beach.
Listen, I’m not a big party person but I was impressed, Damn!! I don’t really know HOW they can do it, there are people partying all night long, from sunset to sunrise, literally NON-STOP with the same music style 😱. (You don’t have to tell me details about HOW 😂😂😂)
Bueno, definitivamente el lugar perfecto para la gente “hardcore” fiestera y par estar relajados al frente de la playa. Escuche bien, yo no soy una persona super fiestera pero estoy impresionado. COÑO, no se COMO esa gente se mantienen fiesteando toda la noche de puesta de sol al amanecer SIN PARAR con la misma música 😱. (No me tienen que dar detalles del COMO 😂😂😂)
Hotel Ushuaia
This is the whole package: party, drinks, party, food, party, beach, party, pool, party, nice rooms, party and MORE PARTY!!!! Lol The hotel is pricey but you will get what you paid for. Outside of the hotel there are restaurants, bars, etc. with a great vibe feeling.
Este hotel es un paquete completo: fiesta, bebidas, fiesta, comida, fiesta, playa, fiesta, piscina, fiesta, buenos dormitorios, fiestas y MAS FIESTA!!!! 😂, el hotel es un poco costoso pero recibes por lo que pagas. Si sales fuera del hotel encontraras una avenida llena de buena vibra con restaurantes, bares, etc.
Around the Island
My advice: rent a 🛵 or a 🚗 and start driving around the island. Usually the car rental agency will give you recommendations for the best spots or places to go and see. I went to a couple places, my time was limited 🙁
Mi sugerencia es alquilar un auto y/o motora y comienza a navegar alrededor de la isla. Normalmente la agencia de renta te da recomendaciones para los mejores lugares que pueden ir a ver. Solo pude ir algunos lugares porque mi tiempo estaba limitado 😔.
- Mirador de la Isla de es Vedrá. (STUNNING VIEW)
- Sa Caleta
- Blue Martini Ibiza
- Es Cubells
- Cala Tarida
Trust me, there are so many places to visit, but again, I was there for two days only 😩
Creanme , hay muchos otros lugares que pueden visitar, pero solo estuve dos dias 😩.
Clubs Recommendations
Expensive, but as I said before, the NONStop party is granted!
Un poco caros, pero como dije, Fiesta sin parar.

Next and last but not least, Lisbón, Portugal 🇵🇹
In my opinion the BEST SPOT on this trip. As soon as I started walking around Barrio Alto I fell in love 😍. Is like a more mature environment, those tiny streets, hidden restaurants, nightclubs and pubs bring it to another level. This part of the town is like a mix of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and Rome, Italy. So colorful!!!
Besides Barrio Alto, the following locations are a must go:
En mi opinión el MEJOR lugar de este viaje. Tan pronto comenzamos a caminar el barrio alto me enamore del lugar😍. Es un ambiente mas maduro. Estas pequeñas calles, restaurantes escondidos, clubes nocturnos y bares lo hacen ver a otro nivel. Esta parte de la ciudad se me parece un poco a una mezcla de el Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico y Roma, Italia. Muy colorido!!! En adición al Barrio Alto, las siguientes localidades son requerido ir:
Mercado La Ribeira
Nice market, good place to eat and have a good relaxing time with friends.
Linda area comercial, buena zona para comer, relajarse y compartir con los amigos.
Torre Belém
Dreamy castle surrounded by water 😍, no more to say, you have to see it!
Castillo de ensueño rodeado por agua 😍, nada mas que decir, tienes que verlo.
Padres del Descubrimiento
Monument dedicated to the people who contributed on the depart of the “Carabelas”. Do you really know the history about how Christopher Columbus got those? Check it out!!
Monumento dedicado a las personas que contribuyeron a embarque de las Carabelas. Sabes la historia de como Cristobal Colon pudo conseguirlas?
Edward Vll Park
Very beautiful garden, kiosks and a stunning view down the road heading to the coast.
Grande y hermoso jardín, kioskos y una vista impresionante desde el tope del jardín hacia la avenida mirando hacia la costa.
Comercio Plaza
This place will catch your attention because of the history behind it, is an eye-catching place.
Este lugar llamará tu atención por la historia que hay detrás de ella, tus ojos se quedaran admirando el paisaje.

Well my friends, thank you for keeping up with me and my adventures, I really enjoy sharing them with you all. Let me know how you liked it👍🏼 and leave a comment.
Next, my following stamps for those who want to travel to those cities
Buenos mis amigos, muchas gracias por mantenerse al tanto de mis aventuras. Realmente me encanta compartirlo con ustedes. Dejamé saber si te gusto y comenta.
Los siguientes, son mis sellos para aquellos que quieran viajar para esas ciudades
Barcelona, Spain

Ibiza, Spain

Lisbon, Portugal

if you are to sell me this kind of post? this will definitely be a sure buy! great photos! honest, exciting and engaging write-up! kudos!
HAPPY to hear that, that keeps me motivated. THANK YOU

glad it did! more travels and posts to come! aja! :-)

This is an awesome travel guide. The pictures are beautiful.
Hahaha thanks Bro 💪🏼💪🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
The La Sagrada Familia has beautiful architecture, wow.
Yes indeed, it is beautiful, but you have to see it in person. Just WOW
I love Barcelona!

wow, I love BARCELONA, what the best place to visit with the company of family.
the photos are awesome and the history speaks itself.
well done @crypt0lizard
see you on your next adventure post trips.
THANK YOUUUUUUU, I am so happy you guys love this.

Great big job. Your message can easily be used as a guide. A clear description and great photos of all the places where you will have time to spend time. Thank you for the work done.
Thank you so much, that was an amazing trip. I am glad you guys liked it like I do.

WOW, amazing pics! Upvoted and followed!
Thanks, well appreciated.

Great photos, my friend and all the listed cities with their sights look amazing, I especially liked Ibiza with its magnificent beaches! Thank you @crypt0lizard
Thank you my friend, those places are so nice. I WANNA GO BACK. hahahha

Wow, amazing trip! I really liked that castle!!! When's your next trip? Where you going?

Hahahahhahaha my man, there is a couple of places on my schedule. Keep up with the 🦎, 😂😂 🙌🏼. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT BRO!!! As always.

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This castle is awesome, it looks like it's straight out of minecraft...
hey! great post.
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waiting for you next post.
Thank you.

but U con go to myanmar :D
Thank you