296 Earthquakes at YELLOWSTONE National Park from June 12 - 19th. SUPER VOLCANO is coming.

in #travel7 years ago

Yellowstone National Park is known for its beauty, wildlife and steaming geysers. Tens of Thousands come to see the beauty all around. There is a hidden problem withing Yellow Stone however. There is a huge reservoir of magma located way beneath the ground. The geysers are the product of the magma way under the earth. yellowstone3.jpg

Over the last years there has been talk of the "big one" coming (Super Volcano). In actuality Yellow stone National park sits on a 30 mile radius CONE of this volcano. When this thing blows it will be MASSIVE. I recently found this interesting article I thought you might enjoy from . Link at the bottom.

Here are some quotes from the article -
"There Have Been 296 Earthquakes In The Vicinity Of The Yellowstone Supervolcano Within The Last 7 Days

Is it possible that the Yellowstone supervolcano is gearing up for a major eruption? If you follow my work on a regular basis, then you already know that I spend a lot of time documenting how the crust of our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. Most of this shaking is taking place far away from the continental United States, and so most Americans are not too concerned about it. But we should be concerned about it, because a major seismic event could change all of our lives in a single instant. For instance, a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would have the potential of being an E.L.E. (extinction level event). That is why it is so alarming that there have been 296 earthquakes in the vicinity of the Yellowstone supervolcano within the last 7 days. Scientists are trying to convince us that everything is going to be okay, but there are others that are not so sure.

The biggest earthquake in this swarm occurred last Thursday evening. It was initially measured to be a magnitude 4.5 earthquake, but it was later downgraded to a 4.4. It was the biggest quake in the region since a magnitude 4.8 earthquake struck close to Norris Geyser Basin in March 2014. This magnitude 4.4 earthquake was so powerful that people felt it as far away as Bozeman… The main quake was centered about 5.8 miles underground."

If you live in this area you may want to start preparing a move. Good Luck and thanks for reading. Keep Steeming People !

Link http://defiantamerica.com/yellowstone-supervolcano-could-rip-guts-unusual-rise-seismic-activity/
images all from google search yellow stone


SUPER VOLCANO is coming.

No... 296 earthquakes peer week is normal in Yellowstone...

No its not. There are approximately 1,000 to 3,000 every year in yellowstone. Here is the link from the U.S. National Park web site. Cheers. https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/nature/earthquakes.htm

I was raised in a town about 50 miles from Yellowstone National Park and we always knew about the super volcano that sat underneath the park. My parents and my brother still live there so it is quite concerning for me to read this. Incidentally, if the volcano does erupt, it will cover a large portion of the U.S. so moving away may not matter a whole lot. Here's to hoping it doesn't erupt for a long time.

There are a lot of new articles out today. Just google. Makes me wonder if the people are being prepared for a soon to be future evacuation. I pray your family stays safe.

Thanks for the well wishes. I can whole heartedly tell you that most people are oblivious to this and my family is not aware of any plan for evacuation. Kind of scary.

Send them some new articles out. Too many warning signs mother nature is telling us. Good luck.

50 miles or a thousand miles is about the same for a super volcano. However their eruptions are millions of years apart, worrying about a super volcano going off is about the same chance as getting hit by a meteorite. You shouldn't worry about it.

Yeah, but where to move to is the hard part. I live in the Denver area. If that thing goes off we would be toast. I've found that just about every inch of the planet has some potential negative thing that can happen. Denver is pretty safe from everything BUT that super volcano.

Maybe we should legalize FRACKING up there... :P I am just kidding of course.

maybe west of the rockies? fracking? not a bad idea.

I was thinking of fracking in terms of releasing pressure. Stuff like this could be a lot more important to try to manage than climate change IMO.

As to west of the rockies. I lived there most of my life. As far as I know if that Super Volcano goes off most of those places are toast too... plus we can expect and instant ice age, and potentially worse things.

That is insane. I can't imagine a volcano eruption that big. I guess it would devastate about 1/3 of the U.S.?

Something like that.

im glad that im far far away from there. i heard it often in the last years that the yellow stone is a dangerous area

I wouldn't have my family living in the area. There are just to many warning signs mother nature is telling us right now.

amazing and it reminds me of Mount St. Helens

Yes, only its going to be a lot bigger in scope. Scary stuff.

If that sucker blows there will be hell to pay. No amount of prepping can save you from that.

That's right. Only have to run like the wind. Scary.

I pray for the peoples safety in those surrounding areas. You are doing a good job!

I pray for them too. Thanks. I appreciate that.

I'm following your blog.

I'm following you too. Thanks :D

Scary stuff man I have been hearing about this..

There seems to be more and more news coming out. Makes me wonder if we are being prepared. I would love to be sitting in the board room of the Yellowstone experts.

I heard there's a lot of "off limit" zones guarded by military, but haven't seen any images or vids.

I remember looking into into it before, it's one of the largest magma chamber on the planet and if it were to blow it would take a lot more than the area with it. Even where i live in Alberta , we would would get plumed with deadly gas.

Yikes. I'm not even thinking about the deadly gas. I can't imagine how much wild life would be wiped out. Scary.

yeah, they say much of the west would be done for and it would be much worst for those who are left. lot of wild life wiped out, shortage of food ... it would be a devastating event for all forms of life.

The supervolcano sits on top of national park simmering just under the surface. You are able to see some of the evidence of its activity in the state park bubbles up, including Old Faithful, which shoots water every few hours. Yellowstone is a great landmark.

It really is a beautiful place. I can't even imagine the damage something like a super volcano could cause. Thanks for the post. Following your blog.