Life Changing Moments - Stairway to Heaven
Ever wondered how attached you really are to your Life? You are able to discover how true this is for you and perhaps make sure you make the changes that are necessary... if need be...cause you never know when you find out to appreciate what you got.
Some time ago I was travelling thru Italy and arrived at Lerichi, a picturesque little village by the mediterranean .
I found a truly magical spot for camping just outside the village and set up my tent right above a steep cliff overlooking the lapis blue sea.
Going for a swim however was a little more challenging as the only way was to jump...right from the cliff into the water, somewhat deep below. It was an exhilarating jump all right. Admittedly it took a little courage as the cliffs were steep, rough and edgy. In fact they were, in parts, razor sharp and the coastline was covered with them spiky sea urchins...scullions of them! (If you ever stepped onto a sea urchin, you know that it is a kind of character building experience you won't forget in a hurry...)
know your exit
So, what's the trick to get out of the water? Easy...simply climb up the ladder which was attached to the rocks. In calm seas no problem! Little did I know what I was about to find out.
The following day a change in the weather occurred and the sea was just a little more rough than usual. Still, many people were fro-locking in the sea , swimming and enjoying themselves. So I figured I too could go for a little dive and swim outside the bay. I took a jump and with big , strong movements swam out into the open sea for a good workout...a workout I would never forget...ever!
close encounter
After a while I noticed that I had swum way too far out from the bay. One may realise the truth even if you don’t want to. The weather all of a sudden had changed, big clouds and strong winds had altered the prevailing condition. Bigger waves were rushing in. Turning around looking at the distance there was the unsettling realisation that all people had left the sea. A big crowd that had gathered on top of the cliff, shouting and waving at me ... from what I could figure. To be honest: not a particularly sexy feeling having become all of a sudden the main tourist attraction. It was like being in the colosseum waiting for my turn to fight for my life.
You know that sinking feeling when you realise that you are way out of your comfort zone and wonder how to deal with it? In this way or another you may not have noticed what else is coming to your attention as you feel it.
So yes, I had gotten myself into a bit of a situation as I had failed to see the signs in time...obviously I had been the last one to notice! Doooohhhhh!
moments like these
The sudden wake up call was having to battle with increasingly larger waves rolling over me as I begun to struggle to stay afloat. Looking at the sky there was no doubt that a storm was coming up unexpectedly. The situation grew more intense by the moment and I had to face the inconvenient truth that my life was seriously in danger as exhaustion and panic set in. How easy is it to manage your state when you need it?
Adrenalin rushed thru my veins like rarely before, my breathing became panicky uncontrollable and I was in danger of loosing the plot, feeling utterly vulnerable as my energy was waning.

Swimming back into the bay was one thing, getting out of the sea was going to be yet another matter. The waves continued rolling in with great intensity, only to smash onto the rocks with thunderous white foam explosions.
Some rather unsettling scenarios started to emerge in front of my mind… The challenge was how to find and get hold of the tiny ladder amongst those big waves crashing onto the cliff. How to get out of this mess alive and remain unharmed? How easy was it to imagine myself getting smashed against the rocks, leaving me battered with untold sea urchin spikes and bruises, falling back into the wave’s hell kitchen only to eventually drowning miserably. Yikes!!!
you are the one
My heart was beating unbearably and nearly jumped out of my mouth as I was about to freak out even more when it dawned upon me that there simply was no chance of anyone being able to save me out of this mess. I was the one to do it or not.
Just before panic was about to take hold of me completely I heard the voice again:
“ Do not let the suggested situation become your reality. Remember , reality is what you perceive. Focus and get present. Above all… let ME take over and surrender."
"Oh yes, please " I pleaded with increasing despair.
"Focus on your breathing. Take some very deep breaths and focus on your belly button. Get present into the Here and Now" I heard the voice speaking loud yet calmly.
Listening to that familiar voice, within seconds I managed to get a hold of my state. Taking a few deep breaths and focussing on my belly did got me out of the panic mode and I became more response-able.
“ Now what?” I once again begged to know.
The voice continued: “ Now swim into the bay and approach the ladder as close as you can. Keep focus on its location and wait for the right moment. Take your chance take and dive under the waves to where the ladder reaches into the sea. You need to trust..."

Ah here is the thing with trust: There is no Trust without Risk! I once read that you are able to discover strengths in your self that you never knew you had cause you do and here I was putting it to the test.
Battling the waves and at the same time keeping my focus on my breathing I was acutely aware that I probably had just one shot left, energy wise.
“Focus, focus on where you want to go and trust” I heard the voice again. "Every thing that does not kill can make you only stronger in the place where you know it is..."
stairway to heaven
With the determination of instinctual survival I made a desperate attempt, somehow managing to stay above water for the next few big waves and finding a short break in the relentless onslaught of the elements.
You have heard it before...there are a few moments in your life,when you’re faced with a choice.
And what you do then decide everything.
Are you ready for that moment when it comes?
I did not have to wait long for that moment to come. In between two large waves I took my chance. With a deep breath I went for the dive of my life right into middle of a washing machine in full washing mode enriched with infinite bubbles, foam, and seaweed making it almost impossible to see anything. Solely relying on my intuitive guidance I kept on diving thru the whirling mess struggling to stay on course.
I was about to run out of air when finally I could just about figure out a structure. A structure which turned out to be the bottom steps of the ladder, firmly anchored to the rocks.
Like an octopus I took hold of the rusty ladder and dragged myself out of the ragging sea, praying the steps would withstand the onslaught of the elements. It seemed like extracting myself out of hell, inch by inch, requiring every bit of strength as huge waves continued to wash over me, as if to make a last attempt drawing me back into Poseidon's or Neptune's kingdom...
Upon reaching the top of the cliff my legs started to shake uncontrollably and tears of gratitude were streaming down my cheeks. Falling down on my knees an indescribable feeling of humility, thankfulness and utter exhaustion came over me. Acknowledging that it was only by grace and surrender that I had managed to survive...just...I kissed the earth.
the voice within
Ever noticed...there comes a point when you feel that the voice within is becoming more meaningful than the voices you hear outside of yourself. Right?
You may or may not be aware if the wave you are riding now is a blessing in disguise. Some people say it's time to wake up and get real...but only as much as you need to. Of course , as you move out further and further into the future you notice the purpose and direction of this event , how you have learned from it and what it allows you to do.
To be continued...
and if you like what you have read here, you may want to read previous chapters here.
Thanks to Google free images and Pixabay for Source images: 1
Amazing post. Upvoted and following u as always. Regards Nainaz
Thank you and wondering what was a moment that changed your life?
If you add the source of your Images I could nominate you for OCD.
Thanks for your info. I am relatively new to Steemit and am finding my way thru it. So I'll look into it and add the exact location of the pics if that is what you mean.
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Hello again, thanks for your message. I really do appreciate the transparency. Not being a 'natural ' when it comes to IT related things takes a little while to get my bearings on it.PS: following you now.
Wonderful post !! Upvoted and following you ^ ^
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