Tokyo To Sendai, Japan

in #travel7 years ago

Whatsup Steeeeeemians!

Just quickly checking in from Sendai, Japan. The trek here was long and formidable but my friends and I made to our guest house and are set for 3 nights here.

After getting off the bullet train, my friends and I were looking for something to eat when we stumbled upon the Pokemon store (Pokemon Center?).


I honestly can not help but get excited about it just because it is exactly what I would have wanted at my local mall as a kid. Instead as an adult I now have the opportunity relive my childhood? Haha no it is just exciting and relatable to see kids so into Pokemon because I was once the same.

Kids going off on a game similar to Pokemon Stadium

Luckily I was able to resist the temptations to buy every little knick knack the Pokemon Center could offer (I'll be back) and we then left to check in to our hotel. After trying to find a bus and failing we decided to make the 20 minute walk with our backpacking bags and day packs. Which probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so humid out, but it was... So it sucked...

Soaked through my shirt with sweat and sore from the strain of both backpacks, we eventually made it to the hotel only to be too early for check in. Fortunetly along the way I saw something that lifted my mood and made me excited for the future: a McDonalds delivery scooter... Yes I'm exaggerating but still this was just another example of how Japan is ahead of the curve. Bringing your chicken nuggets and large big Mac combo right to your door hahah

Who wouldn't want McDonald's delivered right to them?

So by now you probably think I'm a fatass geek going off about Pokemon and McDonalds but I'll have you know I'm actually a fatass geek..

Anyone who has come this far thanks so much. That is it for today, we shall see what tomorrow brings. It is supposed to rain here in Sendai which may impede on our plans but we will be making the most of the day regardless.

Have a good day everyone!



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