
Not nearly enough, but well, life is making choices!
It should be active, what device are you using and what happens when you click on it?
EDIT: double checked, should be on a mobile device I'm guessing, the problem is that the cache hasn't reset on your device yet! It'll auto-correct normally within maximum a week and usually less than that! You can also manually clear your own cache of course!

I'm actually setting up a new PC, Lenovo Windows 10. Spent most of yesterday finishing off moving files across from old almost-dead PC and installing a few apps. Yesterday was the first official day I did everything on the new machine. Could this be the issue?

What I see top-left is very plain looking text fields which I can type in, but then no functionality. Given the rest of your 'look' I would expect bells and whistles like the 'search' and 'clear' features being coloured buttons, but they are just text.

What's your major?

Edit: #steemitworldmap are you in maintenance mode? I see the buttons now top centre, tried them, work well but I think they should centre somehow, probably difficult if the search results give multiple posts? Wanted to let you know did 2 posts earlier this morning, Alice Springs Oz and a location 250 km southwest of there, and still neither have populated. Let me know - cheers.

Let me take a screenshot of how it's supposed to look, can you confirm it looks like this for you?

With the search open:

Ah, than something is going wrong, had some other reports of posted not being added to the map, will take a look into it!

I'm getting a bachelor in IT at the moment, well, if I pursue it!

EDIT: We had a soft server reset, so just editing it a bit will probably fix it!

Yes, that's exactly what I got the second time around, proper buttons, then the function opened including the date selection. You should pursue your degree, you obviously have some talent for this! Maybe I could get a minor in beta testing!

But maybe not. I just lost an hour or two of my life setting up a printer/scanner, all done on-line and worked like a bomb except they forgot to tell me to deselect my old printer, which was the default, and make theirs the new default. I guess I should know that, but with all then other steps in the app you think they could include this for us tech-challenged folk!

Ah, than it seemed to work fine!

Oh yeah, I really love being a developer, I'm just not sure school is the best way to improve my skills!

Haha, if I was around I would've gladly helped you with the printer!

Printer and most other stuff with new PC working fine now. Saw your other reply re: fixes, will try to post some more over the week to keep testing for you. On the road right now so might be off-line a few days. Cheers!

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