Master in Organizational and Occupational Health Psychology
One of the relatively young sciences, Psychology was formed as a fully developed study of human thought and behavior about a century ago, with Sigmund Freud being one of the first scientists to reveal the developing nature of the inner world of man and establish the field of knowledge.
Today, psychologists work at different levels, doing research on mental functioning, social behavior and cognitive processes, as well as trying to understand the neurobiological nature of the mind. Professionals working on the subject, helping adjacent fields of science, such as Social Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities and Natural Sciences, use their methods to conduct research on a modern level. They include neuropsychological and computational methods, as well as comparative methods. Along with Theoretical Psychology, it offers wide opportunities for practical implications that play a huge role in education, therapy, business, natural science research and even aesthetics!
Despite the magnitude of the psychological field, you should not be surprised. Psychology can provide a great career for anyone who is curious enough to look into the mind! Find out more about the various master's programs and master's degrees in Psychology in just one click!
"Organizational and Occupational Health Psychology concerns the application of psychology to improve the quality of work life and to protect and promote the safety, health and well-being of workers" (National Institute for Safety and Health - NIOSH). These issues found important relevance for business, therefore researchers and practitioners in the organization and work of health psychology address the sources and consequences of stress, dysfunctional behavior in the workplace, fatigue, absence, accidents, turnover, and low performance. This program is an excellent opportunity to develop practical skills to work in a variety of work environments.
The main course titles are:
- Research Methods
- Workplace Environmental Psychology
- Cross-Cultural Organizational Psychology
- Organizational Communication and Group Processes
- Personnel selection and assessment
- Organizational Behavior
- Motivation and Performance at Work
- Consulting Skills
- Introduction to Occupational Health Psychology,
- Leadership and Strategic Thinking in Organizational Development,
- Work, Stress and Health
- Training and Development
- Organizations and Employee
- Well-being:Theories and Interventions
- Open course:
- Current Approaches in Organizational and Occupational Health Psychology
- Work Family Conflict. A Systematic Approach
- Organizational Development and Change
- The courses are taught by academic staff that holds an extensive research experience in the field, while also expanding upon an evidence-based consultancy approach.
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