Woke/Yoke/Remote: Liberation in the 21st Century [PREVIEW]

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

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My goal with "Woke/Yoked/Remote" (WYR) is to culminate everything I've learned scouring the internet for the last two years so you don't have to. While I refer to WYR as a book, it's really going to be more of a guide.

A guide to all the most valuable information that human kind has to offer.

Growing up very sheltered, the second of 4 kids in the very definition of suburbia, I always yearned for freedom. My family has never had cable television, I wasn't allowed on the internet until I was 15 and I didn't get my first flip phone until I was 16. For this reason, when I first got access to the world wide web I was inclined to utilize it as much as possible.

I used it to learn how to make money, exercise and to accept different perspectives on the beliefs I was raised with.


I always performed well in school, and after graduating with a full ride and working a few finance/IT office jobs, I grew disillusioned with the lifestyle I was told to pursue. I thought I had everything I wanted, I got a full ride/was debt free, had worked in skyscrapers, and a career in the field I was passionate about. And yet, somehow, with waking up to an alarm clock 5 times a week and being restricted to two weeks a year to myself, I didn't feel free.

I knew there had to be a better way, thus began my journey.

A little over one year later I'm woke, yoked and (working) remote. I've traveled the country, helped build several cutting edge projects, and am in better mental and physical health than I have ever been.

And to be honest, I didn't even try that hard. I simply had access to great information.

Having the free time to delve deep into my interests, I learned how to network/do business online, how the mind/the universe itself operates, and how to utilize cutting edge technological and health trends.

Once you know the real rules to the game, playing becomes nearly effortless. The problem is sifting through thousands of years of recorded human history/knowledge/philosophy and finding what works.

In WYR we'll be covering/connecting an outrageous range of topics including

  • Zen Buddhism

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Quantum physics

  • GMOs/pesticides

  • Nikola Tesla

  • Monetizing your passions

  • Hidden ancient human history

  • Cryptocurrency

  • And even occult/esoteric knowledge.

I've always loved to write and teach, and while I'm notoriously difficult to motivate, I found myself addicted to mentoring others. Only recently I had the realization that writing a book would be a great way to fulfill this passion, and so WYR was born.

Enough back story, let's get into the preview, today we'll just be covering "woke":


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While the term "woke" has been hijacked by various groups to mean various things over the years, I'd like to define it as "de-programmed." In our secular, material, busy culture, we are told to simply trust the "experts" to educate and guide us. Whether it be our teachers, priests, scientists, historians, media personalities or politicians, in polite society, you either agree or are exiled.

To be "woke" you need to accept that everything you've been taught could be a lie. To be "woke" is to trust your own judgement, to know how to research evidence and think critically to draw conclusions. It means to let go of the security and convenience of trusting authority figures, it means accepting the uncomfortable feeling of realizing you've been manipulated.

Most of all, you need to have a childlike curiosity for the truth and acknowledge that the more you learn, the more you realize we really don't know much at all.


I put this section first as it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the big picture in order to properly apply the more practical stuff.

So let's start as big as you can get: What is the universe? How does it operate and why do we exist?


To grasp the true nature of the universe, you have to understand that all is energy. Yes, even me and you, we are simply made of atoms, which are composed of a nucleus surrounded by a cloud of constantly moving electrons.

Take for instance that a Hydrogen atom is 99.9999999999996% empty. Yup, that means the only reason we don't just pass through other "solid" objects is because our electrons are occupying the same frequency band, creating interference.

Kind of like energy, sound, light and vibration, huh?

Ok, so if all is energy, how to we further break down the universe? Density. Or as some refer to it, dimensions.

I'm sure everyone is familiar with 1 dimensional, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional objects. All simply a level of complexity (or density) higher.

Unfortunately the simply 3d model of our world leaves a lot of questions unanswered. How does the universe keep expanding? When did "time" begin? What are thoughts/memories/emotions? What is consciousness?

To answer these questions, we simply need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.



Albert Einstein believed that time is the 4th dimension of reality. The only problem with that being that humankind is the only species with any concept of time. Without our minds recording past events, nature would simply carry on operating in it's various cycles. This seems to imply that time and mind are the same thing, or at least are operating in the same plane.

This means that thoughts are simply 4th dimensional waves. Our memories, our egos, our dreams are all apart of this higher, invisible 4th density, operating above the 3d world.

This would follow as our whole perception of reality is a composite of signals our senses send to the mind to recreate. Indeed we are actively creating our respective realities.

So what are the practical applications of this information?

Some of you may be familiar with the "law of attraction" which states that what you think about is actively and seemingly magically attracted into your life. This is also refereed to as "manifestation", while it seems crazy, knowing that our thoughts operate above the physical plane, and reality is created inside our heads, it goes to reason that our thoughts may have MUCH more power than we give them credit for.

Ok, so what is the scope of our reality? What are the characteristics that define it as a whole?

Mainly duality.


The Chinese symbol of Yin Yang describes this concept. In our reality light could not exist without darkness, male could not exist without female, and we would not know what is good without also knowing evil.

Two more physical examples of this are magnetic poles, and computer code. All energy/movement is at some level thanks to the attraction between opposite magnetic poles. Everything you see, every program you use and ever letter you type on a computer at it's base is 0's and 1's.


At this point some of you may be reminded of the "simulation theory" (the matrix) that is gaining a lot of popular in the mainstream these days. Elon Musk for instance says that there is a "one in billions" chance that we are living in an authentic reality, not a computer simulation.

So if our reality is a simulation, and thoughts are what shape the game, who the hell is playing?



This is a fun topic as it ties together just about every belief system in the world. Turns out that Buddha and Nikola Tesla were both trying to tell us the same thing.

All is one.

If the defining characteristic of the 4th dimension is duality, the 5th's is without a doubt unity.

WTF is that supposed to mean?

I think the easiest way to describe the concept is by describing the goal of meditation. In meditation, the goal is to "clear your mind", many people have problems with this as they keep thinking to themselves "don't think, don't think, don't think" mentally chasing their own tail.

The key to mastering the process is to just "observe" your thoughts, let them come and go. After I while you begin to realize that you are not your thoughts at all, you simply observe them.

This is what's known as connecting to "source."

What is source? Other names for it include:

  • God

  • Love

  • Now

  • Gravity

Nikola Tesla referred to it as the "ether."

Tesla created all of his inventions in his mind, he said he could see them clearly and would even test them 100% mentally. Only after he had perfected them would he finally draw out the blueprints for his engineers to build. He claimed he received all of his ideas by accessing an omnipresent mass consciousness, he called the ether.

In Buddhism, the ultimate truth of existence is called Śūnyatā, or "nothingness." However, it is not how we usually interpret nothingness, what they mean is more like "no - thing - ness." Or the idea that there truly is no way to describe any one "thing" as separate from another, an object is inseparable from its environment.

Haha, so yeah I think I'll end the preview there for now. To recap, we are all energy in a simulation, all part of a mass 5th dimensional consciousness experiencing itself in a billion different ways. Pretty light stuff.

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The next two additions to this preview will be covering the "yoked" and "remote" portions of the book. Yoked will cover all aspects of personal mental and physical health. This includes tips and tricks on meditation, mind/muscle connection, manifestation, nutrition and fasting. Remote will cover business topics like how to find a mentor, how to create value for others, how to attract abundance and what world changing trends to get on top of in the next few years.

If you'd like to preorder the book now, you can do so here:



Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek, thanks for reading!

Peace, Love, Anarchy,

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Vote for our friend Luke Stokes for witness!


Nice ideas @bchainbastards your words are clear, precise & coherent 👍🏼😀

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