Floating Market Lembang In Bandung, Indonesia
In Bandung and surrounding areas, scattered hundreds of places snack and interesting tourist locations that are worth a visit. Among the many tourist sites in Bandung, Floating Market in Lembang is a destination that is always crowded by tourists. Dozens of private vehicles and buses neatly lined up in the parking lot even queue up the streets to get into this location. Proven that this place is very famous.
My experience to this place is the same. Must feel the congestion ahead of the entrance. Fortunately for heading to Lembang I prefer an alternative way than the famous main street with a long traffic jam. It's quite bad road conditions. Uphill path and lots of holes. But for me it's better than having to feel the stressful long congestion. Arriving at the location, I immediately invaded the snacks! But wait, to shop here you have to change money first with a special coin that has been provided. There are fractions of 5k, 10k, 50k, and 100k IDR.
Coin Exchange Place
A variety of entertainment for you and your family including children is also available here. Water rides in the dock area include paddle boats, canoes, and water bikes to get around the lake.
Price list for water rides
Not only that, the children were guaranteed more at ease with the ATV rides, flying fox, fishing rods, rabbit park, duck pond, child bikes to painting ceramics. Not to be missed, there is also Leuit Village that offers atmosphere and rural activities like harvesting the fruit.
I like your travel story :)
Really liked the first pic! Thanks for sharing!!