The Giant Chess in Sanur | Catur Raksasa di Sanur |
Catur Raksasa
INI bukan hal baru, tapi menarik juga melihat catur raksasa di halaman belakang Hotel Sanur Beach di Sanur, Bali. Saya bayangkan, menarik juga bertanding catur dengan papar sebesar itu sambil mendengar debur ombak di Pantai Sanur dan merasakan angin berhembus lembut menerpa permukaan kulit. Tapi properti itu tidak pernah saya lihat dimainkan oleh pengunjung. Barangkali hanya untuk properti semata.[]
The Giant Chess
THIS is nothing new, but it's also interesting to see a giant chess in the backyard of Sanur Beach Hotel in Sanur, Bali. I imagine, interesting also compete chess with papar of it while hearing the waves in the beach of Sanur and feel the gentle blowing winds hit the skin surface. But the property was never seen by visitors. Perhaps only for property.[]
Photos by @ayijufridar
Wow, this chess looks really gigantic. Can we play? 😁
have never seen anyone play this chess seriously. Just a place to take pictures only. Thanks a lot for your comment @globalfoodbook.
I was just kidding you 😁
You are welcome.
Thanks a lot...
you are welcome
kereen bisa besar gitu yaa @ayijufridar
Untuk pajangan juga. Boleh juga idenya, meski nggak orisinil karena di luar negeri sudah banyak begitu.
ohh seep seep bg @ayijufridar