In any incomprehensible situation, go travelling. Inspiring Slovenia. Part 4: Piran

Have you ever arrived to a new place and immediately felt like home in the deepest sense of that word?
Something inside resonates with the environment and you realize that you have found a very valuable place for yourself. I have been to about fifteen countries and thus even more different cities and villages and I have found something interesting, exciting, valuable, beautiful for myself in all of them. But such unordinary feeling of ultimate relaxation and inspiration to live I have experienced only twice: in the Himalayan Dharamsala in India and here, in Piran in Slovenian Istria on the incredible Adriatic Sea.

Here, sunlight is mixed with the smell of fresh fried fish tickling your nostrils. Here, all streets lead to the bank where the sea gives rise to a stream of images and shapes in your mind, and the wash of the waves merges with the jingle of the masts and the cheerful song of two lovers drinking a bottle of house wine.

And how can one not be inspired when nature, playing with light and color, constantly transforms the appearance of the city, creating in turn steady softness, then flashes of contrast, then mystical depth.

You inhale the sea air, take a sip of red wine, taste the most delicious fish in your life and slightly hold your breath, dissolving, flowing out in every moment, so that you can become a part of this miraculous pattern of life with the out-breath...
Piran has just a little over four thousand inhabitants, and the whole city can be traversed in about twenty minutes, even if on your way from one end to the other you get lost in the labyrinth of narrow streets. Its total area is less than one square kilometer, but the city is flowing with a sense of abundance. This is an example of the fact that in order to build a sustainable community with a comfortable and attractive environment, neither a significant territory nor a large number of people is needed...
Very nice your photos, have muybonito landscapes
Thank you! The place is really good for making photos )
Wow amazing post
Thank you!
So beautiful! I definitely need to go check out Slovenia now! What camera / lenses did you use?
Haha )) Thanks! I sincerely highly recommend you to visit Slovenia )) I was amazed how beautiful it is...
My camera is not professional, it is nikon coolpix p7000 without removable lenses, but it is quite good especially for travelling because it is light. I want to have something better to experiment but meanwhile I use this one :)
I appreciate that you like the photos )
Ah no worries, professionality is not in the gear but in the photographer! The fact that you can take awesome pictures with such a simple "point and shoot" camera only show your ability as a photographer! Higher end gear in your hands would only give you more creative possibilities 😎
Thanks! =^-^=
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