Great destinations of Venezuela - #1 Hundición de Yay
If you like to travel, you should definitely go to Venezuela and here is why:
I have a list of at least 42 destinations you should know and fall in love as I have, and I'm pretty sure the list will continue as I keep doing my search, cause I'm not only focusing in the most typical tourist places you can find in every traveling guide (witch are there for a really valuable reason), but I'm giving you a list of places not everybody even from Venezuela has met before.
#1 Hundición de Yay

In the State of Lara, really close to Sanare, there is a town called Yay, a natural, archeological, paleontological and historical place of the country. In addition to its great colonial appeal, Yay's best kept secret is a 10,000-square-meter mini desert that holds the most unusual legends of the town.
Legend says that in this arid space there existed a village of libertine men and women, disobedient to religious precepts. They were warned by the divine force that harsh punishments would come if their attitude did not change. One day an old man appeared feasting for water, but no one helped him except a pious young girl whom the old man told to leave the place, for there would be nothing left. The only warning was to not turn her eyes to the streets of the village, otherwise she would be turned into stone. The girl could not help but look and in that moment her body melted into the ground and the prosperous but indecent hamlet sank, giving way to those formations that nowadays represent the biggest tourist attraction in the area.
The characteristic vegetation is xerophilic formation. It predominates the cují, cardón, cabrero and crop. The findings in this area show two classes of materials: stone instruments, bifacial and unifacial artifacts, retouched flakes, scrapers, perforators and fishtail basal fragments, presumably made by prehispanic inhabitants of that region.
At the same time, bone remains of mega fauna animals known as eremotherium were found, fossils corresponded to ribs and long bones as well as remnants of megatherios and glyptodontes.
The archaeological evidence in certain cases allows to attribute specific or approximated functions for this place, especially the ones related to the round-up of the prey to catch them and then kill them. There's yet not an specific data on the age of this finding.
It's my pleasure to show you my beautiful country.
Welcome to Venezuela
What a wonderful post! I would love to visit everywhere, but I do not have good health. So, I love to "travel" by using the internet! Thank you for the lovely photos and descriptions.
Oh @sallykwitt, it'll be my pleasure if you join me in this trip around my country. Good vibes for you and your health. Love your body very much!! I'll follow you :)
good pictureee