My trip to Barcelona, Spain with my sister! (part 1/2)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

So my sister lives in Munich, and when I went to Europe this summer what a perfect opportunity to do some traveling with her! And we did just that! The first weekend I was there we met up together in Barcelona! It was really cool for me because how often if ever will I be able to travel with just her again? It's unlikely to happen again in our life time.

(This is the Sagrada Familia more on that later but I wanted a cooler post photo this time)

So we had to take two separate planes to meet there since I was traveling from Frankfurt and she was traveling from Munich and keep in mind this was my first time traveling alone internationally besides well traveling to Germany a week before, so it was nerve-racking. When I landed I was like uh how am I going to get where she was, further on in my traveling I got better at this, but I was like I have no idea how to use a bus.

When I got below the airport I got to this terminal which I texted a picture to my sister, she goes NO NO not that how can you miss it? So I asked a officer and got pointed in the right direction finally


So anyways we meet up and go to the black swan hostel where we're staying, and this all may be out of chronological order, but I remember it none the less.

So we go first off the boat to see Gaudi's masterpiece, Casa Milà which is pretty dope inside but to be honest not worth the money paid for it. I would go to another thing to view if you have limited denero to part with. But it was still cool.


(I really like this one)






So that was cool, and then we got Frappes at McDonalds because what's more American than Americans getting McDonalds in the middle of a beautiful European city filled with other food options, lol. No shame though, it was hot and they were good.

Then we trekked our way to the Sagrada Família which is a really cool church that has been perpetually under construction for like ever, I think it's to avoid taxes or something but I could be wrong in what I'm remembering there.
Here we are there!



Go inside here instead of the house lol.

And then we just walked and saw some neato architecture and buildings:





Pretty cool eh?

Then we went to find dinner, the main goal being relatively cheap and more importantly relatively not touristy, we found this place that fit that bill sort of, and sat down, I unknowingly got a platter of just meat (lol) but we also got Sangrias, my sister was kind enough to share her bread with me so I made a little sandwich :)


It was at this point we decided to go to the beach and watch the sunset, there are some guys walking around selling drinks just randomly, not from a store or anything and my sister convinces me to get one of these shady drinks and here we are drinking them


DAY 2! DAY 2!

We went on a walking tour the morning of day 2, and I got some sick pics let me tell ya,




Best way to get in a city is by going on one of those free walking tours (you tip them at the end) its worth it.



This was George Orwells square, I'm not sure if it actually had anything to do with him I forgot that part, but what I do remember her saying is it used to be a big place for dealing drugs, but they installed a playground and a bunch of security cameras, which is where the irony comes in, because its George Orwell square but covered in government cameras lol.

This one is kind of sad its Pablo Picassos school of art but it was gated up and boarded up, I don't remember the specific story behind this one either haha, but I just know its sad. vvv


This one is pretty crazy it seems no matter where you go in Europe you can find Roman stuff, this one is a Roman city wall which we were told is under threat from being demolished for development which is pretty sad, but its cool we got to see it


And here's more photos of places and Church's

IMG_20170415_113456.jpg (I think this is the Catalan governments offices)





The tour ended here at this old palace of a former king


And we saw these weird egg pastry's on the street it was literally an entire egg on top of some pastry, turns out it's some sort of famous pastry but it looked odd at the time haha, anyways ill end it here until part 2, because it's getting super long. Look for part two in a few days hopefully, maybe a little longer.


As always, thank you for reading! I would appreciate it if you left a comment and even more if you resteem!


Barcelona is a large city by the coast, in northeastern Spain.


you are most definitely correct!

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