Travel for my beautiful venezuela / Viaje por mi bella Venezuela

in #travel8 years ago


Hola Steemit hoy les traigo unas cuantas fotos de cuando viajé a Caripe, y para contarles un poco sobre como fue mi experiencia. Caripe es un pueblo que se encuentra en uno de los Estados de mi país natal Venezuela, específicamente en el Estado Monagas. Este viaje lo realice hace 2 años, a principios de 2015 cuando venia bajando de Carúpano (Ciudad del Estado Sucre, Venezuela), e hicimos escala en Caripe para conocer el Parque Nacional el Guácharo. Esa fue la primera y esta ahora única vez que viaje a dicho pueblo y personalmente me gusto mucho, tiene un clima frió y es un lugar tranquilo y agradable. 

Soy una persona que no puede ver un paisaje bonito sin llevarse una cuantas fotos, aquí les dejo algunas, espero les gusten.

Me gustó mucho porque es un relieve montañoso y tiene una variedad de arboles que constituyen hermosos paisajes, ademas en las fotos se puede apreciar la neblina en la parte superior de las montañas.


Hi Steemit today I bring you some pictures of when I traveled to Caripe, and to tell you a little about what my experience was like. Caripe is a town located in one of the states of my native Venezuela, specifically in the Monagas State. This trip was made 2 years ago, in early 2015, when I was coming down from Carúpano (Sucre State City, Venezuela), and we stopped at Caripe to get to know the Guácharo National Park. That was the first and now only time I travel to that town and personally I like it very much, it has a cold climate and it is a quiet and pleasant place.
I am a person who can not see a beautiful landscape without taking a few photos, here I leave some, I hope you like.
I liked it a lot because it is a mountainous relief and has a variety of trees that constitute beautiful landscapes, also in the photos you can see the mist on the top of the mountains.

Ahora los arboles. (Ame este árbol) - Now the trees. (Love this tree)

Estas son las fotos que tome de la Cueva del Guácharo, en esta cueva viven una gran cantidad de Guácharos que salen por la noche a buscar alimento, si no tienes miedo de ensuciarte podrías entrar a ver el recorrido (es broma xd obvio te dan unas botas para que no ensucies tus zapatos), los guías te hablan sobre la cueva, los guácharos, las estalactitas y las estalagmitas que hay en ella entre otras cosas, durante el recorrido te muestran una que otra figura que se formo en la cueva, es un recorrido interesante y educativo. 

Algo que nunca voy a olvidar es que el guía señalo una cueva y dijo esa es la cueva milagrosa aquí dejamos a las parejas y cuando venimos de regreso las recogemos, le dicen la cueva milagrosa porque entran 2 y salen 3, en ese momento yo dentro de mi inocencia pensaba que entraban 2 personas y estando allí encontraban a alguna persona perdida y la sacaban, por eso salían 3, pero ahora ya entiendo a que se refería jeje. 

These are the photos I take of the Guácharo Cave, in this cave live a lot of Guácharos that go out at night to find food, if you are not afraid of getting dirty you could enter to see the route (it is obvious joke xd give you some Boots so you do not dirty your shoes), the guides tell you about the cave, guacharos, stalactites and stalagmites in it, among other things, during the tour show you another figure that was formed in the cave, is An interesting and educational tour.
Something that I will never forget is that the guide pointed to a cave and said that is the miraculous cave here we leave the couples and when we come back we pick them up, they tell the cave miraculous because they enter 2 and leave 3, Of my innocence I thought that two people were coming and being there they found some lost person and they took it out, that's why 3 came out, but now I understand what he meant jeje.

Estas somos mi prima y yo afuera de la cueva, lose no nos vemos pero lo importante es la cueva. - These are my cousin and I out of the cave, I know we do not see each other but what is important is the cave.

Aquí estoy yo frente a la estatua o monumento de un Guácharo, tuve la oportunidad de ver uno de cerca en la cueva debido a que uno de ellos no se porque motivo se cayó pero entre algunas personas del recorrido y el guía lo levantaron y lo ayudaron a volver a subir h.h 

Here I am in front of the statue or monument of a Guácharo, I had the opportunity to see one closely in the cave because one of them did not know why it fell, but some people from the route and the guide picked it up and helped him To re-upload h.h

Y por ultimo esta flor que vi en la posada donde me quede, no se que flor sea pero me ENCANTO! considero que es hermosa y por eso la fotografié.

And finally this flower I saw in the inn where I stayed, I do not know what flower it is but I LOVE it! I consider it beautiful and that's why I photographed it.

Espero les haya gustado :). - I hope you liked it :).


Nobody said "Bravo?"

In Venezuela I have only been to Caracas, which is almost the same as saying, I have never been to Venezuela.

I don't know if it will be the same for you as it is for me. As I began watching your photos, they brought back, in memory, the scents, the cool feel of the mist and the scents and tastes of fruit and vegetables; so much keener and lovelier than what we can buy in the city. Those senses are what are strongest with me. I guess, that for you it is the visual?

Thanks for sharing and I hope you are not suffering through the changes life brings. Take care.

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