ADSactly Travel: Roads and Trips Across Northern Europe - Part 2
This is a sequel to the first part of my story about a trip I took with my friend Mark.
Therefore, I'll continue this story from Ljubljana airport where Mark and I had arrived after a few hours long bus ride.
Our destination was the City of Luxembourg where we were supposed to meet Ana, Marks' friend, who gave us accommodation.
We arrived at the airport one hour before take off. There was no queue so we got to check-in really fast. After that there was a security check.
That's when the problems started... in my head.
I had remembered all the unpleasantries I experienced last time during check-up when metal detector started beeping after I went through it and so I had to take off my shoes and go through it once more, and then once more after I took of my belt too.
While I was putting my shoes on I was asked aside and had to take out everything from my hand luggage.
The scanner obviously had found something suspicious in it.
As it turns out, a coffee flask was to blame. I'd forgotten to empty it even though I knew I couldn't bring liquids into the plane unless it was bought in a duty-free.
I felt like a vandal that everyone was staring at while they were taking my fingerprints.
The biggest punishment was that I have lost my brand new pretty flask, but at least I didn't have holes in my socks.
This time detector also beeped, but fortunately not behind me.
While we were waiting for our plane I was watching people around me.
Some were listening to music, some were reading a book and some were sitting by the bar, drinking beer.
I wanted to join those by the bar and drink a few shots just to calm my nerves, which were dancing like they do every time before a flight.
As I was overthinking if we will survive this flight, Mark was peacefully surfing the internet.
Airplanes were taking off and landing until it was finally our turn. 180 passengers started boarding, one by one, showing their boarding passes and IDs to the staff.
Stewardesses were greeting us with a smile at the entrance. Mark and I finally settled down. On the third seat in our row sat a man in leather motorcycle jacket.
Alcohol fumes soon started spreading around me and Mark.
With a corner of my eye I peeked at the man in the leather motorcycle jacket and he looked very tired with his half closed red eyes.
While I was carefully following stewardesses' instructions for emergencies, the man carelessly fell asleep and missed the whole ceremony, including the take off.
I envied him.
We were getting higher and higher. The anxiety was replaced by pure admiration to the wide landscapes that were opening below us.
Peaks of snowy mountains were rising high above the clouds.
Mark and I were discussing which one could be Triglav, the highest mountain peak of Slovenia, Grossglockner of Austria and is the one that is by far the biggest mountain range, perhaps Mount Blanc.
The discussion broadened to what is the highest mountain in Europe.
Without any thought Mark said it was La Dame Blanche - Mont Blanc with 4 810 m on the French-Italian border, which we were, according to him, looking at.
He wasn't aware of a recent study, so I informed him that the first place now belongs to Elbrus with 5 642 m, which actually is an inactive volcano on Caucasus, mountain range that forms a natural border between Europe and Asia.
He was stunned.
The flight went by in conversation and reading of a magazine I found inside a seat in front of me.
After we landed everybody clapped for the pilot that got us safely to the ground.
The men in leather motorcycle jacket woke up, didn't clap, one would say he didn't even know where he was.
We landed in Charleroi airport and we had a bus leaving in 15 min for Luxembourg.
Next one was in two hours.
We ran for our luggage, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it.
You know what they say; it's important in life to have a little bit of luck.
That time we really had it.
Out of 180 suitcases from our flight, our was third that came out, Mark grabbed it and we ran for it.
The bus driver was already sitting behind the wheel. We waved him as to wait for us.
When we hopped in, the door closed and we were off to Luxembourg.
Can you remember time in your life you had such dumb luck?
And as for the flight, do you like flying or do you feel nervous like me or are you even frightened?
Authored by @lufcija
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I've never had an unpleasant experience at airports. I usually get very nervous when I have to fly, but after the plane takes off, it gets past me. The last time I flew, I was almost a day late. I wanted to die! Especially because I had to be in a very important meeting. I hate flying for work, I think I get very stressed out. But when I do it for fun, I take it easy, nothing disturbs me or makes me uncomfortable. I anxiously await the end of your journey, @lufcija
In truth, all that time of police review at airports is stressful; I haven't had any negative experiences so far, but it's not pleasant at all.
I don't usually have fear in the takeoff or during the flight; I enjoy it very much and try to be in a window to look out of it; the rest of the time, I spend it reading some of the books that I always carry with me. I have had a certain fear, sometimes, of landing.
I also thought until now, like Mark, that the highest mountain in that area was the famous Mont Blanc.
We continue on your pleasant journey, @lufcija. Anxious to know something about Luxembourg through your story and gaze.
I like to travel by plane, although the turbulence scares me a little. It's always a different experience, there are better flights than others and I appreciate when I'm accompanied because time passes "flying" (hahaha) while I converse. I follow your publications to continue the adventure of your journey @lufcija.
Style, lines, style, shot – revolutionary!
scary wing side window seat..😨
Turbulence is tough on me but other than that I enjoy flying. My dad would always tell me if you get scared watch the flight attendants... if they aren’t scared, everything is normal. 👍🏻
Thank you, good artİcle