Sir I am Living in Pakistan. Sir as a tourist you must visit to my country. Hosting you be pkeasure for me.
I am living in upper part and sea is at lower part
Sir you can see. I am living in Northeren Areas Distt Swat.
And sea is at the bottom of map.
Wow that's a pretty historical area no? Did the great emperor Genghis Khan take over that area too in the past? :) Yes that looks very far from the sea.
Sir Alexender take over thjis area for mu time. And Buddha culture was there. Sir I will write about the history of my hometown.
Sir click here to see my blog about Swat Meusuem.
Sir I am Living in Pakistan. Sir as a tourist you must visit to my country. Hosting you be pkeasure for me.

I am living in upper part and sea is at lower part
Sir you can see. I am living in Northeren Areas Distt Swat.
And sea is at the bottom of map.
Wow that's a pretty historical area no? Did the great emperor Genghis Khan take over that area too in the past? :) Yes that looks very far from the sea.
Sir Alexender take over thjis area for mu time. And Buddha culture was there. Sir I will write about the history of my hometown.
Sir click here to see my blog about Swat Meusuem.