Transport Complex SkyWay: 100 questions - 100 answers DOWNLOAD here for free!

in #transportion7 years ago

Unitsky String Technologies

Transport Complex SkyWay: 100 questions - 100 answers


The year 2016 marked the 127th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky's birth. He was an aircraft designer, who created in Russia the first in the world multi-engine bomber, and in America - the first helicopter. After his emigration to the USA, which saved his life, Sikorsky had the last 20 USD left. Being in Chicago, he invested his last money in a very lucky way - he bought a ticket to the Sergey Rakhmaninov concert. After the concert, they started to talk. Rakhmaninov asked how much money the design engineer needed to start his own business. The answer was: 500 USD. Rakhmaninov put his hand in the pocket, got out a thick bundle of banknotes - his entire fee for the concert - and offered to Sikorsky. There was 5,000 USD, big money at that time.

Nobody in America believed in Sikorsky's helicopter. Moreover, in the 30s of the 20th century, 30 years after his first successful experiments with the helicopter prototype in Kiev, the majority of engineers considered that his design diagram with one lift rotor and one steering rotor would never work. Sikorsky managed to prove a negative - and starting from the middle of the last century, 90% of all helicopters have been flying based on this diagram, which was later called a classical one all over the world.

Conclusions of experts concerning something new are always wrong - but that is because it is new! Otherwise, they would be the most successful and wealthiest people, as they would know what would happen tomorrow and they would understand where to invest their energy and money so as to become successful and earn more. The whole historical experience testifies to the contrary - only those people earn much and become successful, who invest in such projects, which neither "experts" nor "specialists" would dare to invest a dime in. In fact, only the Author and Creator of a new thing can be its genuine expert and specialist.

In order to make sure of the above said, it is enough to read some of the most interesting predictions specified below made by so-called "experts" and "specialists" for the last 150 years. No, they did not mean to suspend the technological progress, they sincerely believed they were right:

Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons (Popular Mechanics, 1949);
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers (Thomas Watson, CEO of IBM, 1943);
There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home (Ken Olson, founder and president of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977);
This "telephone" has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us (Western Union internal memo, 1876);
The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? (David Sarnoff's associates, in response to his urging for investment in the radio, 1920);
Who the hell wants to hear actors talk? (Reaction of H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers on the use of sound in cinema, 1927);
We do not like their sound and, in general, the guitar - it's yesterday. (Decca Recording Co., rejecting a record album of The Beatles, 1962);
Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible! (Lord Kelvin, president of the British Royal Society, 1895);
You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You're crazy! (Associates of Edwin L. Drake refusing his suggestion to drill for oil, 1859);
Everything that can be invented has been invented (Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, US Patent Office, 1899);
640 Kb ought to be enough for anybody (Bill Gates, 1981);
100 million dollars is way too much to pay for Microsoft (IBM, 1982).
Transport complex SkyWay (Unitsky String Transport) is not a historical exception. There have been made thousands of emotional "conclusions", where "experts" have been analyzing during all 39 years of work on SkyWay not the essence of string transport, but, generally, their own ignorance on a rather difficult, comprehensive and branch-forming solution. There can be singled out just a few of them that can be truly considered expert opinions. These are the conclusions that have analyzed not only the term "string transport" and mental abilities of the developer, but SkyWay technical content itself in its optimal (not extreme) design, considering developer's know-how. These are the conclusions that excluded assumptions of experts - obviously, competent and educated, but only in that sphere of knowledge where they are real specialists.

However, numerous potential investors, customers, officials of all kinds listened to and heard not the Developer of the new technology, not genuine Experts, but those whom they knew and trusted. It is easier that way. It is known that buried treasure is easier to look for under a lamp as it is lighter with it, rather than in a dark impassable forest. After all, London municipality believed a little over 100 years ago, at the time when the first automobiles already appeared in the streets, the specially created committee, who carried out an ordered analysis of transport development prospects and stated as follows: "In 100 years (i.e. in our days), there will be 2 million people and 4 million horses in London. There will be more stables than residential houses. All neighbouring lands will be planted with grass and oat, but despite this, there will not be enough land and fodder for horses. And the layer of dung in some places will be half a meter thick".

Predictions of today for the period of 50-100 years ahead are much the same, if in this analysis we replace the terms "horse" with "automobile", "stable" with "garage", "oat" with "gasoline", "land" with "asphalt" and "dung" with "exhaust fumes". Specialists and experts have at all times made the same mistake - 100 years back nobody "noticed" the first simple and unimpressive automobile, which then changed the world in the 20th century likewise today nobody "notices" the first simple and unimpressive SkyWay concept, built in Moscow region, town of Ozyory, in 2001, which will change the world in the 21st century even more by making it safer, more eco-friendly and comfortable.

Thousands of people - presidents of countries, prime ministers, ministers, ambassadors, governors, academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences, students, pupils and ordinary people have asked the author, who has grown over the years to become general designer, numerous questions. The document "Transport Complex SkyWay in Questions and Answers" presents answers to 100 most frequently asked questions.

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