Translation Services List

in #translation9 years ago (edited)


This is a call to all translators and those wishing for translation services for their posts or documents. This is an attempt to get things moving and comes from this post here

Translators please create a post about you and your credentials etc. Then if you reply to this post with your link, I'll add it to the list (with the headline info) below.

Those needing a translation service can come to this post, request general information and try the specific links of translators to make an arrangement.

Feedback and examples of completed work/arrangements can be listed in the individual translator's posts so reputation can be built.

Steemians, earn more with your posts in multiple languages! Build quality content for everyone!

Translator Link List

hopefully some translators will comment soon, paging @schnitzler and @stino-san

For a recent example of stino-san's work, check out his part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6 of the Dutch translation for the Steem white paper.

#steemit-ideas #steem #french #italian #dutch #spanish #russian #chinese-mandarin #chinese-cantonese #english #malaysian #indonesian #norweigian #swedish #south-african #gambian #ghanaian #german #austrian #swiss #portugese #greek


Cool, I am also a freelancer, what are your language combinations?

Hi, sadly and to my eternal shame, I only speak English. This initiative kind of became redundant as others took over. I'm sure it wont take you long to find the latest! Good luck :)

Who took over and why?

Lots of different people have been doing different translations of key documents and catering for their own language communities etc. This is a decentralised network, it's only right that multiple people start actively responding to needs within the community....ut's more efficient and with additional resilience. A good source of information is important, I think your best bet is to try relevant tags and may find people who can help you better than I can at this point. Good luck :)

OK thanks for this advice. What tags would you suggest? Why did you get into translations, just curious?

I can translate texts from English to Spanish:
1 SBD Less than 200 words
2 SBD Between 201 and 400 words.
5 SBD Between 401 and 1000 words.

You can start some other language tags, too.

Great idea thank you!

Translations are actually a lot more than "copying" one language into another. And every purpose requires a different kind of translation. Sometimes you can choose randomly for (talented) translators, sometimes it is way better working constantly together with the same translator, e.g. if the style and tone of your mother tongue need to be translated as well. I could continue talking ages about this, but I prefer to answer questions than talking useless for hours.
I can answer general questions as well as content related questions.
I can directly handle #dutch and #english to #german and indirectly #english to #greek
But there is a native translator out there for all of us :) Iam sure.

Übersetzung (including formating erros at the links for the Dutch translations...still trying, maybe someone can #help here)
Dies ist ein Aufruf an alle Übersetzer und all jene, die sich einen Übersetzungsservice für ihre Posts oder ihre Dokumente wünschen. Dies ist ein Versuch, die Sache ans Laufen zu bekommen, der auf diesem Post hier beruht
Übersetzer erstellen bitte einen Post über sich und ihre Möglichkeiten. Wenn Du dann mit dem Link zu Deinem „Übersetzer-Post“ auf diesen Post hier antwortest, füge ich ihn der Liste (mit der Headline-Info) unten hinzu.
Wer einen Übersetzungsservice in Anspruch nehmen will, kann zu diesem Post kommen, allgemeine Informationen einholen und versuchen, über die entsprechenden Übersetzer-Links, Absprachen zu treffen.
Feedback und Beispiele abgeschlossener Projekte können in den einzelnen Übersetzer-Posts gesammelt werden. So kann ein entsprechender Ruf aufgebaut werden.
Steemians, verdient mehr mit Euren Posts in mehreren Sprachen! Baut Qualitätsinhalte für alle auf!
Liste Übersetzer-Links
Wir hoffen, bald von Übersetzern zu hören, einfach @schnitzler und @stino-san pagen
Um ein aktuelles Beispiel von stino-sans Arbeit zu sehen, schau Dir Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4,Teil 5 und Teil 6 seiner niederländischen Übersetzung des Steem-White Paper an.
#steemit-ideas #steem #french #italian #dutch #spanish #russian #chinese-mandarin#chinese-cantonese #english #malaysian #indonesian #norweigian #swedish #south-african #gambian #ghanaian #german #austrian #swiss #portugese #greek

really i need english translator :C

What is the source language?

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