Depression & Male-To-Female Hormones

in #transgender6 years ago (edited)

Many people wish to transition from male to female, and express that they want to live as females. This is a decision which only those individuals can make for themselves. Therefore, they should be made aware of the risks involved. Does the medical community have high enough standards when it comes to psychological evaluation and treatment for individuals going through male to female treatment? Or are medical professionals more interested in making a profit on new clients who wish to pay for sex change treatments. MEN WHO WISH TO UNDER TAKE MALE TO FEMALE HORMONE THERAPY SHOULD BE EVALUATED FOR PRE-EXISTING DEPRESSION FIRST. Why?..

Strong scientific evidence has come forward which shows that male-to-female hormone treatments (which entail blocking testosterone and increasing estrogen) end up reducing the amount of SERT (a protein needed in the useful secretion of serotonin inside the brain). When this happens, it is likely that depression and anxiety will often times be overwhelming for the client who is receiving the hormone treatments.
